Mharaid came over for our now traditional Boxing Day game...
As with last year this was a treasure hunt...
We used our now favourite rules Song of Drums and Shakos...
War still wages as Britain fights against the Franco-Russian invasion forces... Queen Victoria's Christmas decorations and dinner have been lost in a forest near Balmoral and a force of Scottish soldiers have been sent out to find them lead by Captain Shirley.
A force of Franco-Russian troops lead by Capitaine Desespere have also been sent out to find them first and ruin Christmas for the British ...
There are a lot of pictures in this post... a lot! because a lot of stuff happened ... given that ... I still feel that the tactical ( tactical!!! ... surely you mean Aly runs around like an idiot and Mharaid beats the shit out of him) narrative has been lost a bit... so I will round it up for you here.
Mharaid moved most of her troops with group moves covering each other well as she attempted to collect her prizes and shot accurately and mostly consistently and managed ... despite the intrusions of a big hairy monster to dominate at least half the table...
None of my men did what I wanted them to do ... none of my group moves were successful and I ran around like an idiot and Mharaid kicked the shit out of me... even with the intrusion of a big hairy monster...
If you can't be bothered looking at a lot...and I mean a lot... of pictures ... you could just leave it there... But if you want to look at a lot of pictures... yes a lot of pictures... please continue...
You can always lie and say you looked at them... I am not going to test you on it...
My force lead by Desespere...
Mharaid's force lead by Shirley... Hoots!
Pierre found a treasure but failed to open it ...
The turn went over to Mharaid and Malcom got the Apples for the Apple Sauce...
This is a common theme... I do very little ... then loose the initiative then Mharaid mostly does something useful.
Mharaid's forces move forwards purposefully... Alastair, Colin and Fraser are named after me an my brothers...
I move a bit... just a bit.
Alastair finds Krampus...
For our game Krampus is treated as a Cuirassier+... he gets a D6 plus 5 on combat and causes fear... Humans get a D6 plus 2... if he beats you by double or more he has decided that you have been a naughty boy and ... you are in his sack.
Once revealed he moves at random across the table... when he sees someone direct line of sight he will make a bee line straight for you... your only chance of escape is to fail your moral... on a 1 or a 2 and run away and hide...
Alastair's brothers run away and hide...
Fortunately for Alastair he has been good and Krampus heads past him...
Everyone else stays hidden...
Callum find Yellow Snow... yup its a wee wee gag... but it also means he's missed a turn.
Igor finds some Christmas decorations...Dmitri gets caught short and everyone else watches Desespere walk up a hill... nice!
Malcom and Donald try to run past Krampus... Donald has clearly been naughty... in the sack.
Pierre has found the Christmas tree... Hurrah!

While Krampus ponders what to do next... Malcom hides in the church... Fergus starts to build a snowman and the rest of Mharaid's/Shirley's men look organised and purposeful...
Krampus is sure Malcom has been a naughty boy...
Desespere makes yellow snow... and his men stand about and watch...
Krampus paces about in front of the church causing Fergus to interrupt his snowman building... "I've been good... honest"
Krampus heads back to the church... "Malcom I want to ask you something"
Sergei and Dmitri find the Pig.... Hmmmm! bacon.
As Krampus ponders what to do next... Malcom legs it.
Theo manages a pee...
Mharaid's men just get on with things... building snowmen.. peeing and killing the French.
Xavier has done nothing so far... and continues to do so...
Dorian finds a chicken... Dmitri... meets the call of nature... Jules and Hugo build a snowman... the prizes arrive at the house in the woods... and... Xavier.
I told you there was a lot of pictures...
If you want a rest you could have one now... pop off and make a cup of tea or get a glass of wine... its what I am going to do...
Oooo! a nice cup of Assam and a biscuit...
Krampus finds Malcom... and Malcom legs it...
Krampus prowls...
And... Wait a minute!... Xavier moves... he probably needs a pee.
Its all I do this move... sigh!
Purposeful Scots finding prizes... They have to defend the Yule Goat and stop the French from burning it.... as if I am that organised... some of my men can barely make it in to the woods for a pee...
Krampus spots Malcom and Hamish...
Hamish is to slow ...
And as it turns out ... he has been a naughty boy...
You may have noticed that there are a lot of naughty boys on Mharaid's side....
The Scots move forwards bringing more death and destruction with them... the snow is stained red with buttons... they are indeed very naughty boys...
Krampus catches Fraser and Alastair... and it turns out that Alastair has been a naughty boy... that's me that is... and does my brother care?... no! he's bloody well run off...
An achievement for the Franco-Russians... a tree to go with the decorations... Hurrah!
Vladislav is spotted by Krampus...
"It wasn't me it was him"
It turns out that Vladislav has been a good little boy... Hurrah!
As Krampus stares off the end of the world(table)... the Scots kill Hugo...Booo!
"Have you been a good boy Dmitri?"
Yes!... as it turns out...
Leslie looses all control and pees on Frasers leg...
This does not go unnoticed...
"You have been a very naughty boy"...
Fraser legs it... he's good at that...
Krampus notices the Yule Goat... and this time everyone does the right thing... they bugger off and hide...
The Scots advance towards Desespere and his last few men... who are now hiding in the trees...
Desespere is knocked over and Jules shot down...
Desespere has had enough and runs off leaving a trail of yellow snow...
Krampus wanders off into the woods...
Oooo! there's Xavier... I had forgotten about him...
And there the game ended...
Despite having Five of her men put in the naughty bag Mharaid still managed to kill more of my men and collect lots of stuff and build snowmen.... I ran around and got the shit kicked out off me...
But none of my men were naughty...
The extras and prizes in the game were...
Which was converted from...
The Yule Goat...
The snowmen...
The food...
And last but not least ... the decorations.
Another fantastic game with my daughter...
Hopefully it wasn't to long a post for you dear readers... you were warned...
All the best Aly