Thursday 30 May 2019

A Little Unfocused... Maybe.

Life has been a bit on the busy side of late...

You know the story... The social whirl that popularity brings one... and the constant demands to make more and more toy soldiers... Oh! Boo! Hoo! poor me...

I have somehow managed to have three units of WSS troops on the go at the same time... All are coming along nicely... but none finished.

I have finished putting together the MDF buildings that I bought at Partizan...

They all went together quite well... now they need to be painted.
These are for use with my Shiny Toy Soldier Schleswig Holstein collection so they will be finished in a simplistic style.

I have also assembled,Matt varnished and based up some toy style trees for the same project...

I am rather pleased with these... I have ten more to do...

Okay... not a wargames miniature...
After about a year I have finished this 'Le Cimier' Trumpeter of the Marins of The Imperial Guard...

I intend to take some better pictures and start a new page on the Pages section showing a few more of my bigger and smaller 'Model Soldiers'...

Lastly... Another book...

Another interesting and neglected period...

I have finished reading The Army of James II and Charles XI's War...

Both excellent books full of useful information... History ,Uniforms and Orders of Battle...

The description of the Battle of Lund in Charles XI's War was particularly gripping.

Flutter Flutter...

All the best   Aly

Monday 20 May 2019

Partizan 1... 2019.


This weekend I made my way (with help from Alan Perry... thank you very much) to Partizan at the Newark Show Ground..

This is one of my favourite wargames shows... In fact I would say it is my favourite wargames show ...

This year did not disappoint...

There was an excellent mix of games.. the floor plan was divided up between participation and demonstration games and both areas produced some lovely examples...

I managed to meet up with many friends and over the length of the day we put the world.. wargames and otherwise.. to right...

The only downside I felt... and my friend David Bickley is in agreement was a lack of available seating for us older 'Greys'... A comfy area would be much appreciated ... and possible free tea and biscuits...

Here are some photos of they games that caught my eye... there were many more ... but phone batteries and general chatting limited how many I could take...

So first up Alan and Michael Perry's Battle of Mandara 1801...
A colourful and tempting period... I have played this before... and lost gloriously.

 This is a lovely Celtic themed fantasy game by James Morris and the Lenton gamers..

A lovely late 17th century Russo-Turkish game from Barry Hilton and the League of Augsburg...

My old friends from the Gothenburg Gamers put on this lovely little Franco-Prussian War game...
Brought all the way from Scotland by train...

The Lion The Bear and The Winged Hussar by Paul Robinson and the Grimsby Wargames Society...
This is another game that I have played in ... and rather surprisingly I did not end up getting slaughtered...


A very nice Wellington in India game by The Boondock Sayntes... Sounds a bit like a Mod revival band...

A very nice Napoleonic game... Quatre Bras I think.. I am not sure who put this on...

A very nice Command and Colors game ... again not sure who by...
I really like Command and Colors as a game and it is nice to see it done as a figure based game...

WW2 from The Derby Wargames Society...

A Sugar Islands game by Graham Cumming and Crann Tara Miniatures...

A very nice ...Prize winning... Arnhem Game from Old Pikey Wargames Group...
Lots of lovely eye candy here...

Did I buy anything?.... hmmmmm!

Of course I did....

Books books lots of books...
Well you can never have enough books...

Also some MDF buildings...
These are going to be for my STS Schleswig-Holstein collection... I have already built a few and I am very pleased with the results.

So there you go... A great show... lovely games and splendid friends...

All the best   Aly.