Saturday 27 November 2021

New Toys… Another building.


This is the final ‘Airfix’ building from my order…

The Village Church…

A classic Norman church by the look of it and almost certainly based on a British building… so it should fit into the world of shiny old school rather well…

A good chum suggested that the windows on my cottage may be stuck on the wrong side of the walls…

Checking the instructions… 

All looks well… I have built it as… well… instructed.


Looking at the pictures of the model as shown on said instructions… it would seem that the windows should be attached from the inside of the walls… 

It does look a lot better… a bit less like a dolls house.

I have checked on the internet and all the instructions that I can find are the same… but lots of pictures of the building show it with the windows attached from the inside…

Could the instructions be wrong… well yes… it does happen from time to time… the person who draws up the instructions isn’t necessarily the person who made the kit… sometimes wires… and windows… get crossed…

It also looks a lot better with the windows attached from the inside…
So another cottage has been ordered…

Fear not… the existing building will be repurposed as a gingerbread house of death or something similar for a future Xmas game…

Okay back to the War of 1812…

All the best.  Aly

Sunday 21 November 2021

New Toys… Classic ‘Airfix’ buildings.


Okay… not original Airfix buildings… but the currently available Dapol Kitmaster buildings.

I picked up a brace of cottages and a windmill…

They are nice little kits… very simple and very much of the time they were first made…

The only update/redesign that I noticed was the addition of numbers on the pieces, something I don’t remember from when I first built some as a young lad.

The moulds do look like they are starting to get a bit worn and there was some flash on a few bits… although having said that I have seen worse on more modern kits that I have had in the past…

And of course being the big kid/butterfly I am I had to get one built… now!

It’s turned out rather well…

The only additional thing I have done is fix a piece of cardboard to the bottom so I have a surface I can stick to a handle of some sort to hold it while a put the paint on…

I’m not sure when the painting will happen… but it will be sooner rather than later…

All the best   Aly

Wednesday 17 November 2021

The War of 1812… Johnson’s Regiment of Kentucky Mounted Volunteers.


Here’s the next unit…

Johnson’s Regiment of Kentucky Mounted Volunteers…

I was always going to have these in the collection…They have quite a striking uniform that is relatively easy to paint.

They of course made their name at the Battle of  the Thames ( also known as Moraviantown) in 1813…

When looking for information on the internet I came across this article… which is about Kentucky troops in the War of 1812

They have been based as mounted infantry for Rebels and Patriots… which I think suits their fighting style…

The Hunting Shirts and Trousers are… Citadel… Corvus Black.

The Fringes are… Citadel… Evil Sunz Scarlet.

The Saddlery, Belts and Straps are a mixture of different Browns and Tans from Foundry and Citadel.

The Horses were painted with Citadel Contrast Colours…

As always everything was give a coat of Aly’s Brown Liquid then highlighted with the original colours.

I found these very easy to paint…which made it a very relaxing experience.

The figures are from Knuckleduster…


The paints are Wargames Foundry and Citadel...

The bases are as always...

Thursday 11 November 2021

Remembrance Day…

 Greetings …

I was hoping to have a few pictures of some more of my mothers other souvenirs that she was given from her friends in the Polish Armoured Division when they were stationed near Falkirk/Stirling during WW2…

Unfortunately I haven’t got hold of them yet…

So here are some more pictures from the little commemorative book she was given…

The first few are in order… but because it’s Blogger the rest are a bit random.

All the best.   Aly

Sunday 7 November 2021

The War of 1812… The Canadian Voltigeurs.


Here we have my next War of 1812 unit… The Canadian Voltigeurs.

I’ve gone for another regiment with a relatively simple uniform… 

I rather like the practical grey colour combined with the bearskin cap…which is not something I would have thought was woodland friendly… but it looks great.

The Officers Uniform is… Foundry… Forest Green 26B.

The Rank and File Uniforms and Greatcoats are… Citadel… Administratum Grey.

The Knapsacks are… Foundry… Moss Light 29C.

The Sashes are… Citadel… Mephiston Red.

The Water Bottles are… Foundry… Sky Blue Light 21C.

The Water Bottle Strap is… Citadel… Skrag Brown.

The Muskets are… Citadel… Mournfang Brown.

This has been another very enjoyable unit to paint… the simple uniforms are actually in their own way quite colourful on the finished figures.

Also the officer looks relatively sober…

The figures are from Knuckleduster Miniatures

The paints are Wargames Foundry and Citadel...

The bases are as always...

Monday 1 November 2021

New Toys… Some MDF buildings.


Some future urban development for my Shiny Napoleonics…

I ordered a few more 15mm buildings from Sarissa … I shall not be building them immediately ,but it’s nice to have them on hand for when the mood takes me…

Apart from a few more walls ,this lot should be enough for my needs… at the moment.

I have some Canadian Voltigeurs on the painting desk at the moment… hopefully they shouldn’t take too long to finish…

All the best   Aly