Tuesday 25 June 2019

The Wild Geese Wargamers weekend 2019

Once again The Wild Geese flocked to Kenilworth for our now annual wargames weekend...

And a splendid time we had... Beer...Food...Wargames...and Good Company... What's not to like...

Here are some images of the games that I played over the weekend...

First up we have an 18th Century A Gentleman's Wargame put on by Steve Metheringham using 40mm Prince August Miniatures...

Sadly that's not one of my die rolls that you can see in front of the guns

Next up a lovely big Great Northern War game from Paul Robinson...

This is a nice little Blood and Plunder game that Lee Brewster and Gavin Winspear put on, on the Saturday evening...
I sat as an observer while I drank a very nice Gin Concoction... Rum would probably have been more appropriate ...

This is a Peninsular War skirmish game put on by Tony Dillon...

There were two games that I didn't play in...

Somehow I managed to only take one picture of Alan and Michael Perry's AWI game...

Sadly I managed to get no photo's of Wills Harley's SYW Imaginations game...
Here however are a couple kindly supplied by Chris Gregg (

It should surprise no one that I won this...

That's me that is...

A really lovely weekend with some lovely old and new friends...

Many many thanks to Colin and Katherine for all the hard work that they did to make this happen and also a big thank you to everyone who contributed prizes...

Colin has also posted his account of events here...

Here's to next year...

I have also managed to get some painting done...

Four WSS units waiting to be flagged and based...

All the best   Aly

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Aly's Model Soldiers...


In case you hadn't noticed I have added a new 'page' to my Pages...

Aly's Model Soldiers...

This is a collection of pictures of my occasional 'Model Soldier' distractions... I shall add to this as I paint new models...

Not everyone's cup of tea I know... feel free to ignore...

 All the best... Aly

Sunday 9 June 2019

From my side of the table...The Second Battle of Bedriacum 69AD.


On Thursday Alan Perry, Rick Priestly, Dave Andrews and myself met up at Michael Perry's for a game of Hail Caesar...

The Second Battle of Bedriacum 69AD...

This battle was set during the period known as the Year of the Four Emperors...

This was also an excuse (as if one was really needed ) to get Rick and Dave's wonderful collections of Romans on the table.

Alan (Marcus Blunderus Maximus), Rick (Grammaticus Malam Fortunam Horret) and myself (Lucius Semper Infelicis) took command of the forces of Vespasian.

Dave and Michael took command of the forces of Darkness.

Our Haruspex predicted a glorious victory...
I should have been more concerned when I noticed that instead of the normal choice of animals he was using a mouldy meat pie covered in ketchup...

 The opposing forces...


Our brave men...

The forces of Darkness...

The forces of Darkness send their light cavalry forward... Alan orders his men forwards to counter them...

And earns his name...
Double six... A blunder.
One... Run away like you just don't care...

Despite much pathetic and desperate pleading ...

Three moves backwards...

The gods visit him with the vulture of Despair...

Rick attempted to move his cavalry... And yes the gods looked kindly on us... Hmmmm!
A double six...
This time it was just a case of his men meandering forward a bit and pestering some slingers....

The forces of Darkness advance towards me...

Rick sends his cavalry forward... and gets thumped...

Then his 'Scorpions' get thumped...

You can see where this is going.... can't you?

I manage to not order my men forward... sigh!

My brave men advance... a bit... to engage and are engaged by the enemy...

Alan finally gets his men moving forwards... Hurrah!

Beset on many sides I charge forwards promising death or glory...

The gods of dice and men accepted my offer with open arms...

As Alan continues to move forward...

My replacement Augustus Lenta Fortuna throws our men in for one more try...
He manages to break one of the enemy units... but everything else gets stomped on.

With two thirds of the army now broken we call it a day and accept defeat ...

A classic classical battle in the now traditional Aly Morrison style... And a splendid night with splendid friends and toy soldiers...

All the best   Aly.