Saturday 30 September 2023

Late Romans… Rebased Command.


Here we have some rebased command groups…

These could be used for Roman or Romano-British…

Some of the colours were brightened up a bit and the standards were replaced.

These chaps will be used as Goths…

I repainted the shields…

They only needed a little sprucing and I’m very pleased with the results…

The bases are as always from Warbases…

The Standards were from Little Big Men Studios…

All the best.   Aly

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Late Romans… Rebased Artillery.


Here we go… Yet another couple of units… This time Ballistas…

These were very straightforward… A fresh coat of matte varnish and then rebased.

They turned out really well…

Some command on the way next… With Goths hot on their heels.

The bases are from Warbases…

All the best   Aly

Sunday 24 September 2023

Late Roman… Another couple of units.


Here are the next two units in the Great Rebasing project…

A couple of Roman Infantry units…

These were a really easy job… All I did was replace some spears and and a standard then rebase.

The bases are from Warbases…

The plastic spears are from Fireforge Games…

There are some Goths/Germans getting their bases soaked at the moment and some command being worked on.

All the best   Aly

Thursday 21 September 2023

From my side of the table… The Battle of Palencia.


Alan Perry has now posted his account of the final action in his Peninsular War Campaign…

The  Battle of Palencia…

This was only my second action in the campaign… I spent most of the game retreating, recovering and marching…I believe at one time I marched to the top of the hill and I marched back down again.

This was the last action in the campaign…And we came second…We would have come first if it hadn’t been for those pesky dice.

There is a relatively accurate account of things here…

Here are some pictures I took of the game…

Hot cavalry action…

My light troops being sneaky…

These were so pretty I really had to give them a close up.

Win or lose it was a splendid game.
Alan puts a lot of effort and energy into these campaigns which really helps you get involved in the narrative…I may have done a lot of marching around but I still felt I was mere moments away from trouble.

The figures and terrain were all from Alan’s collection .

All the best.  Aly

Sunday 17 September 2023

The Tudor Warfare Conference 2023.


Yesterday I attended the Helion Tudor Warfare Conference…

And very enjoyable it was too…

One of the reasons I wanted to go to this was to find out more about a period that keeps itching…And might one day need a good scratch.

There other was that my friend Ninya Mikhaila was doing a talk.

There was also the added bonus that Simon Miller (To the Strongest) was also taking part.

All of the presentations were interesting… But quite naturally I liked Ninya’s best 😁

I thought everything was very well paced and there were breaks for refreshments and a Buffet Lunch.

So did I buy a book on Tudor Warfare…

No I didn’t…

I bought two…

And maybe a couple of others…

I know…

But you have to consider that I was trapped in a room filled with persuasive historians and books…I am sure they must have used advanced indoctrination techniques because the next thing I knew I was saying ooo! I will have these as well please… Honest.

I have spent this evening having a look through them…They all look splendid and the only difficulty I see is deciding which one to read first.

Next time there will be some toys soldiers…

All the best   Aly

Thursday 14 September 2023

Guess what… Another Book.


What a surprise …

I’ve read another book… And it is one that is quite on trend (As the young hipsters would say) with what I am doing at the moment.

Osprey Publishing’s Late Roman Infantryman versus Gothic Warrior…

This was very good and certainly up to standard I have come to expect from Osprey…

The contents were a similar format to all the other books in this series…

The only criticism I would have was the amount of references added into the body of the text (Rather than at the foot of the page or at the back of the book)…

I found at times this… for me… really distracted from the main narrative…

Once I got used to it I learned to just skip over them…But I did have to read a couple of sections more than once.

A small gripe in the grand scheme of things and I am still glad I bought the book.

All the best   Aly

Saturday 9 September 2023

Late Romans… Back to rebasing.


The old left arm seems to be functioning reasonably well now…

So here are another couple of rebased Roman units…

Fairly straightforward here…A bit of general sprucing plus some extra work on the shields and standard…

I also replaced a couple of spears.

These could probably be used for Romans,Romano-British or even Goths at a push.

More simple sprucing plus new shield transfers and spears…

Again these could happily be Roman,Romano-British or even Goths.

The bases are from Warbases…

The plastic spears are from Fireforge Games…

More to follow…

All the best   Aly


Saturday 2 September 2023

Another Book…

Greetings …

Sadly no toys to show today as I have developed a case of Olecranon Bursitis which has made doing anything with my left hand/arm over the last week very painful…Fortunately my patented single finger typing technique means I can still post on the blog…

I have mostly been reading books…

Here is one that I have finished…

The Fall of English France 1449-53…

An excellent informative and engaging book…

I thoroughly enjoyed this, It’s a subject I know very little of and David Nicolle delivers a very good account of the actions that took part over this final period of the Hundred Years Wars.

It is everything I have come to expect from Osprey… and given my condition not to heavy to handle 😁.

The antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs seem to be working well… I have some Late Romans that need their bases flocked so you should see them sometime next week.

I suspect I am really not that good a patient… more of an impatient… but of course things are made a lot worse when you can’t paint your toys.

All the best.  Aly