Monday, 29 March 2021

Butterfly Moments... Shiny American Civil War.


Okay I am calling it a butterfly moment for now... but I think this one has potential.

One of the reasons that it has potential is the fact that David Andrews has given me a big bag of 20mm figures... so it would be rude not to try.

A while back I ordered some samples from Jacklex Miniatures...

I have to say that Mark Lodge the current owner is a fine fellow to deal with.

I have always liked Jacklex Miniatures, they have a character all of their own... 

I was however taken by surprise by the genuine old school packaging...

Definitely old school...

I seem to remember Minifigs being packed in the same way many many years ago...

It was quite fun digging the toys out...although I am not sure how I would cope with a really large order.

Jesting aside this certainly reduces the amount of plastic packaging and it is recyclable.

So I painted a few up....

I have to say I am very pleased with them... they certainly tick all the shiny boxes.

I will be taking this one slowly for the moment... It’s not like I don’t have anything else to do...

The next shiny Americans will come out of the box of toys David gave me...

All the best    Aly

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Lion Rampant 3rd Century... A new table set up.


I thought it was about time I tried out my Geek Villain gaming mat...

So I have set things up for another solo game of Lion Rampant...

I should really try and come up with a cool sounding name for these games... How about...

Lion Rampant - Rome in Crisis.

Anyway here are some pictures...

I think it looks rather good...

I have already said how much I likes the look of this product...and it’s pleasing to see how good it looks on the table.

To get the hills and contours a just set up my normal terrain...

Once the mat was placed over it , the fleece clung nicely to the flocked surface of my boards.

I shall have to invest in roads and rivers at some point.. there are are a few nice ones out there.

Giving in to temptation... yup!

Roman and Palmyrene camel riders and a Nellie...

I think that these are going to be a lot of fun to paint...

They are of course A&A Miniatures

All the best    Aly

Sunday, 14 March 2021

Some inspiration...


Dave Andrews sent me a photo of his Palmyran Camel Cataphracts...

Obviously I will need to have some myself... 

Beautifully one would expect...

All the best.  Aly

Monday, 8 March 2021

Shiny Napoleonics... Regiment D’ Issembourg.


Just before Xmas a little package of toys dropped through the letterbox...

These were some lovely early Lamming French...

All the way from New Zealand courtesy of my chum Matthew (aka Wellington Man).

These are a lot more delicate that the later Lamming ranges and looking at them I began to think that they would make rather nice Light Infantry.
And then I thought Regiment D’Issembourg... Sky blue uniforms with yellow facings... what’s not to like.

Typically when you start looking for a uniform there seems to be more than one variation to choose from...
I decided to go for this one... 
Okay the coat tails on the miniatures are probably a bit on the long side and I had to alter the gaiters and the cuffs... This wasn’t too painful as I left the tails alone and the detail was fine enough that it just took a bit of light filing and a couple of coats of thick paint to get the result I was looking for.

The Uniform is... Wargames Foundry... Sky Blue 21B
The Belts are... Citadel... Corax White.
The Facings are... Wargames Foundry... Ochre 4B
The Piping is... Citadel... Pallid Wych Flesh.
The Muskets and Packs are... Citadel... Mournfang Brown.
The Greatcoat is... Citadel... Administration Grey.
As usual everything was given a wash of Aly’s Brown Liquid and re-highlighted with the original colours.
The belts were brought up to pure White.

I must say that I really enjoyed painting these and I am very pleased with the results.

The painting mojo has taken a bit of a dip recently... but it is starting to come back and hopefully things will pick up I the next few weeks.

All the best.  Aly