Sunday 16 June 2024

Fathers Day…

Greetings …

It’s Fathers Day in the U.K. today….

Another big book on Warships…

And a lovely Sunday Roast at the pub…


All the best.  Aly

P.S. I am painting stuff… Just slowly 😁

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Wild Geese 2024…


Last weekend saw the 2024 gathering of the Wild Geese Wargamers…
And what a fine weekend it was…
As always it was a joy to meet up with old and new friends.
Friday evening was spent sipping a few ales, catching up with each other and remembering fallen comrades…

Saturday morning saw us well breakfasted and gathered around our chosen first games of the day in ‘war room’…

My first game was Lobositz by Steve M… Using Command and Colors and his lovely collection of Prince August 42mm figures.

Next up I went on to defend Falkirk from government oppression…
A game by Gary Phillips using Graham Cummings lovely Jacobite collection.

I actually won on both these games… Some of my dice throwing was absurdly good…
It of course didn’t last…😁.
The evening was spent enjoying good company food and drink…

Sunday saw the Siege of Louisbourg…
This was put on by Willz using Guy Barlows figures and rules from Paul Robinson…
A delightful game… Dave A and I scraped in a second place… If one’s brought victory…It would have been glorious 😁…

Much to my delight I was given a trophy…

Certainly a step up from The Most Unlucky General….😁

This was a incredibly entertaining and enjoyable weekend… as always…
And my thanks go out to everyone involved in making it happen… Next year is already being organised and I am looking forward to it…

Has my Butterfly started fluttering…. Of course it has 🦋🦋🦋🦋🤣😂🤣

All the best.  Aly.