It’s been a while…
I have been moderately busy…
Mostly on organising the cellar…
It’s starting to come together…
I have also found time to follow my butterfly and start something new… something I have hinted at….
The army of Pyrrhus of Epirus…
My inspiration…
I put together a rough plan for a couple of small Epirote and Hellenistic Forces…
After some experimentation I have decided on a four stand size for my phalanxes…
Then I bought some toys from Aventine Miniatures
The first thing I did was a test figure…
I looked to use colours from the two Osprey books plus added inspiration from the rather lovely shield transfers…
The Tunic is… AK Interactive… Carmine AK11091.
The White bits are… Citadel… Pallid Wych Flesh.
The Plume ,Sash and Coloured Armour is… Citadel… Kakophoni Purple.
The Cloak is… Citadel… Xereus Purple.
The Cloak edge is… Citadel… Pink Horror.
Leather bits are… Citadel… Skrag Brown.
Everything was given a coat of Alys Brown Liquid then re-highlighted with the original colour…
Lighter colours were given an extra highlight…
The paints are Citadel and AK Interactive…
The shield transfers are Little Big Men Studios…
I am/was very pleased with the test figure…
So here is the whole unit…
I’m really pleased how these have turned out especially the soft/subdued colours inspired by Peter Dennis’s wonderful artwork.
They only just fit into my Photo Booth…
This is going to be a slow project to begin with… but once I have everything settled in the cellar… things should speed up a bit…
I am also feeling a lot healthier than I was so hopefully it won’t take so long till the next post…