Saturday, 8 February 2025

Pyrrhus of Epirus… The first Epirote Phalanx


It’s been a while…

I have been moderately busy…

Mostly on organising the cellar…

It’s starting to come together…

I have also found time to follow my butterfly and start something new… something I have hinted at….

The army of Pyrrhus of Epirus…

My inspiration…

I put together a rough plan for a couple of small Epirote and Hellenistic Forces…

After some experimentation I have decided on a four stand size for my phalanxes…

Then I bought some toys from Aventine Miniatures 

The first thing I did was a test figure…

I looked to use colours from the two Osprey books plus added inspiration from the rather lovely shield transfers…

The Tunic is… AK Interactive… Carmine AK11091.
The White bits are… Citadel… Pallid Wych Flesh.
The Plume ,Sash and Coloured Armour is… Citadel… Kakophoni Purple.
The Cloak is… Citadel… Xereus Purple.
The Cloak edge is… Citadel… Pink Horror.
Leather bits are… Citadel… Skrag Brown.

Everything was given a coat of Alys Brown Liquid then re-highlighted with the original colour…
Lighter colours were given an extra highlight…

The paints are Citadel and AK Interactive…

The shield transfers are Little Big Men Studios…

I am/was very pleased with the test figure…
So here is the whole unit…

I’m really pleased how these have turned out especially the soft/subdued colours inspired by Peter Dennis’s wonderful artwork.

They only just fit into my Photo Booth…

This is going to be a slow project to begin with… but once I have everything settled in the cellar… things should speed up a bit…

I am also feeling a lot healthier than I was so hopefully it won’t take so long till the next post…

All the best.  Aly


  1. A splendid looking phalanx there and the cellar is looking just super! You will finish those two armies before I have started mine...I think you will know why too.

    1. Thank you David…
      Even with your forthcoming distractions… I still think you will take the lead…

      All the best. Aly

  2. Oooh, those are nice. Glad to hear things are bearing up. The cellar looks very smart.

    1. Thank you Matthew…
      I was slightly tempted to see what they would look like ‘ full gloss’…
      But looking at them now … I am glad I didn’t.
      I am very pleased with how the cellar looks.

      All the best. Aly

  3. Figures look ace, Aly, as does your new game room.

  4. A very worthy host upon which your 🦋 chose to settle, Aly....they look fantastic!
    The cellar is great too....if
    I am glad to read your health has improved, too...long may it stay thus.

    1. Thank you Keith…
      My butterfly does indeed pick some pretty blossoms to flutter to…
      I think I am going to get a lot of use out of the cellar…
      Going up and down the stairs should be good for my health as well… 😁

      All the best. Aly

  5. Very pretty Aly!
    Envious of that cellar too!

    1. Thank you Neil…
      The cellar was certainly worth all the disruption.

      All the best. Aly

  6. Your recent absence had been noted Aly, glad to hear the health is improving. The cellar is looking good with a nice bit of storage to fill with new toys...The unit looks superb.

    1. Thank you Mark…
      It is nice to have a bit more energy and as we know… These toys don’t/won’t paint themselves.
      Having decent storage is something I have wanted since I bought this place…

      All the best. Aly

  7. Splendid test figure and marvelous pike blocks, you must be feeling better, the cellar is looking impressive too!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain…
      You know your not well when you don’t want to paint or play with your toys…
      Having the cellar more or less finished has also taken some of the disruption out of my life…

      All the best. Aly

  8. Good news on the health front. The cellar is progressing. The new army's first figures look very good. The colour palette and shields have quite a calming effect. The soft colours are a contrast to the shiny project. Both worthwhile and perhaps one will be a foil for the other enabling progress.
    all the best

    1. Thank you Stephen…
      Yes I was quite taken by all those soft shades and I will certainly try and carry it on throughout the whole project.
      It is certainly a good contrast with my shiny toys… And they do say a change is as good as a rest…

      All the best. Aly

  9. Buried the lead, cool new unit! All the work on the room will start to pay off soon. Glad you're doing better.

    1. Thank you Joe…
      The extra storage space an work area will certainly make a big difference in getting things done… Especially as I feel like I have more energy.

      All the best. Aly

  10. Your wargames room is taking shape very nicely. Interesting project and a superb start, lovely looking phalanx, nicely painted and really good looking miniatures. Good news on your health front as well.

    1. That is just my work room and now dry storage area…
      The Wargames room is upstairs in the front room… which will also be getting some work done on it.
      Ah! The advantages of being single with a grownup daughter who has her own home… 😁
      Aventine Miniatures are lovely… the almost paint themselves.

      All the best. Aly

  11. For a brief moment I was dismayed at the sight of that test figures shield - nobody should be able to paint that well…but then I saw the word transfers and I now feel much better. You’ve done a beautiful job of that phalanx but the thing that made me smile the most was the top down picture of “Nelly”. That should be one hell of an army when it’s done. We’ll need a march past.

    1. I reckon I could manage one of these shields if I was hand painting… Any more and insanity would be knocking at the door.
      I have to admit that ‘Nelly’ makes me smile as well…
      There will definitely be a parade….

      All the best. Aly

  12. The bunker is coming in a treat and the Epiriots are looking most fine, a splendid inspiration for when I start my Seleucid.

    1. Thank you Phil…
      I am definitely looking forward to seeing your Seleucids.

      All the best. Aly

  13. Superb Aly. I might have to get my Successor armies back on the table soon... Inspiring. Phil

    1. Thank you Phil…
      Yes get them out to play 😁

      All the best. Aly

  14. Neat toys, neat storage - perfection!

  15. What a great project. Pyrrhus is one of the great characters of the ancient world (a pretty crowded field). Pity about how he died though. Just goes to show: always wear your helmet.

    1. Thank you Matthew…
      “Always wear a helmet “… And beware angry Spartan Mothers 🙀

      All the best. Aly

  16. Well, that seems a fast start for a slow project (at least in my terms). Fantastic results! Good to see your game room coming together at last and your health also on the rebound: an auspicious start to the (still) new year!

    1. Thank you Ed…
      It probably seems longer to me as I actually painted the test figure before I caught Flu…
      I am really pleased how the Work/ Hobby/ Storage Bunker has turned out… it’s going to remove a lot of clutter from my actual wargames room.
      I’ve decided not to consider January as part of my new year 🤣

      All the best. Aly

  17. The cellar looks great, all that lovely storage shelving! The new toys look rather grand too.

  18. Remind me never to show you my attempt at a pike formation. It all looks rather lame now in comparison...

    1. Oh! Go on…. It can’t be that bad.
      You have some very lovely toy soldiers… 😁

      All the best. Aly

  19. Beautifully painted figures, super workroom and storage.


  20. Lovely looking figures Aly and an interesting project. The games room looks fantastic. I'm very interested to see how this rest of the army comes together. What rules are you planning on using?

    1. Thank you Meic…
      It is indeed an interesting project…It seemed Pyrrhus was always up for a fight… The Romans, The Greeks, The Carthaginians and anyone else who came into view…
      It would be nice to do the Romans and Carthaginians at some point…
      I’ve not really decided what rules yet…
      But Hail Caesar is up there as I am used to the system.

      All the best. Aly

    2. Punic Wars are one of my favourite, just trying to decide on how to rebase my Romans, then think about tackling the Carthaginians in the lead pile.
