Sunday, 9 March 2025

From my side of the table….Midgard… Wars of the Roses.


On Friday Israel, Alessandro and myself went over to our friend Matt’s house for a game of Midgard using our Wars of the Roses toys…

Matt was the only person who had actually played Midgard before… Alessandro had read the rules and Israel and I were going in blind…

Matt and Alessandro were on one side and Israel and I were the good guys.

The game was a lot of fun… Both Matt and Alessandro threw their cavalry at our flanks.. But were both eventually repulsed…

Israel and Alessandro’s infantry tore into each other while Matt and I had a it more of a tidier approach.

After some toe to toe fighting Alessandro’s force broke and Matt guys were looking somewhat bruised so we called it a victory for the good guys…

Here are some pictures… I didn’t take too many because I was having so much fun playing the game.

The good guys for up…
Matt and Alessandro made some nice movement trays so that we could use our Lion Rampant based figures for the game.

The bad guys arrive to my front…

Israel and Alessandro face of against each other… 
I really liked the measuring sticks Matt had… 
Oh! That’s not a horrifying dice result … it’s just the way they sat when plced on the table 🤣.

This is me looking every bit…The good guy 😁.

Matt’s cavalry hover menacingly on the flank…

My units look very neat but it turns out that I should have left a bit more space between them… Push backs can leave you in a dangerous place if you haven’t got room to manoeuvre.

A Drone eye view of the battlefield…

Israel starts to make moves towards Alessandro’s force…

I start to take some ( Day glow skull ) casualties… We ended up changing to red dice to show casualties as they were easier to read.

Matt’s cavalry come charging in… And get stomped by my humble but brave Billmen.

I do like all the counters that Matt has…

More of my humble Billmen get stuck into Alessandro’s Men at Arms…
Now… That is a real dice throw…

That Day Glow flag means I’m winning this…

Shooting arrows… And making holes in the bad guys line…

There seems to be an empty space where Alessandro’s men used to be…

Hurrah!…. We won…

What an excellent game…
I don’t think we used all the rules and we may not had played the rules 100% correctly… But we had a lot of fun…
I like the rules.. They are a nice combination of Lion Rampant, DBA and a bit of Hail Caesar… plus the very clever addition of characters and heroes that can influence play… I found this aspect very enjoyable… We probably didn’t exploit this as much as we could have.

I will certainly be picking up a copy of this game for myself.

Hobby wise…
I have surprised myself by gluing lots of plastic Rus and Khazars together..
Am I finding it fun?
Well I’m not hating it 😁 and I will keep at it while the mojo is strong.

All the best.  Aly

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