Saturday 28 September 2019

From my side of the table... The Battle of Peracamps 24th April 1840.


For the third of our battles last weekend Michael decided to host a First Carlist War game...

The Battle of Peracamps...

The object of the scenario was for the Isabelinos to take control of the town by the end of the game.
In addition each of the Isabelino commanders were encouraged to get to the town before the others.

Oliver took control of the Isabelino Royal Guard...
Frank Becker took the French Foreign Legion...
Alan took a smaller Isabelino infantry brigade and the cavalry...
And I took the British Auxiliary Legion...

The Carlists were...
Frank Bauer and Alessio Cavatore...

Michael umpired and used Blackpowder for the rules.

This image is used with the kind permission of Michael Perry

Beautiful pastoral scenes from northern Spain...
Although those Monks look a bit dodgy...

The wholesome forces of goodness...

The hamlets of Sant Pere and Barcons wait patiently to be liberated...

Black flags and skulls and crossed bones... Not the good guys....(this time).

Alan's dashing cavalry...

The liberal forces move forwards...
As you can see I am already pulling ahead of the others... I was getting a sense of Deja Vu here...You know ...Out on my own... No back up to speak of... Machine guns... Foul language... Bad dice... Etc.Etc.

The Enemy... Skulls and crossed bones again... Giving off all the wrong messages here...

We continue our advance... Can you see me...Right out in front... All on my own... I don't know why I bother sometimes... Sigh!

Alessio's cavalry make a daring and impressive charge against Alan's brigade... He looses his Horse Artillery but manages to see them off...

A lot of skull and crossed bones waving Carlists start heading towards me...
I've got a bad feeling about this... Machine guns... Bombs... Inevitable slaughter...

In the background you can see the Royal Guard laying siege to Hougoumont... sorry Sant Pere...
While I have taken La Haye Sainte... I mean Barcons... I struggle to get my men in line and my artillery deployed... Doomed I tell you!... Doomed!

The Frank's men attempt to push me out of Barcons.... But I manage to hold on by the skin of my teeth... Gasp!

I am now one unit down... I am struggling to get into line and my gun won't deploy... Help!

Then... Something strange happens... I take what they give me... And make all the saves...
Me men deploy in line... My gun deploys... And they blow the crap out of everything in front of them... Well I never!

Alan's infantry are also successful and destroy another battalion...

Frank's Brigade is broken...
The Brigade that held the three hamlets is broken...
Alessio's cavalry Brigade is broken...

The Army is broken...


And I haven't been stomped to pieces by everyone and their dog...

This is a weird sensation... I kind of like it...

Another fantastic game... With splendid friends...

We ended the day with beer and sushi...

A great weekend.. Here's to the next one...

You will find another version of this story here..

Frank Becker has also started posting his adventures here...

Its about time I got back to painting toys...

All the best   Aly

From my side of the table... Paperboys War of Spanish Succession.


The second game that we had last weekend was a War of Spanish Succession battle hosted by our old friend Peter Dennis using his beautiful Paperboys miniatures.
The allies Alex Hewlett, Frank Bauer and Alan Perry were to defend a village on their side of the table and stop the French, Michael Perry, Frank Becker, Oliver Gommer and myself from taking control of the bridge at its centre.
Our very cunning plan was to pin the enemy's left flank using the Maison du Roi and use the greater part of our force to overwhelm the allies on the more open right flank.

This map is used with kind permission of Peter Dennis.

Our plan actually worked...
Michael and Frank pushed forward at a fair old pace and forced Alex's British from their position on the river and then towards the village... Ollie laid siege to the village and eventually forced Frank's Anglo-Prussians to fall back.
My job was of course to hold Alan's Dutch at Mill Hill... I could have danced about in front of him firing my guns and making a lot of noise... this would probably have been fairly successful and a relatively safe option.... But!...
With the sound of battle and the sight of folded, torn and shredded warriors on the ground, plus the smell of burning paper in my nostrils... What was a fully inked general going to do?...

Its safe to say... Things didn't end well.

My beautiful Maison du Roi wait to move forwards...

Ollie's Franco-Bavarians...

Me... Looking splendid.

Michael and Frank's brigades.

Pont D'or defended by Franks Anglo-Prussians.

My cavalry join in the advance... A thing of beauty.

Only a small gun on a small hill... Hmmmm!

Tally Ho!... The Guard advance...

Things hot up along the river...

Ollie moves toward the village

I close in on Mill Hill...

Alan sends out his Dutch Guard... But I manage see them off... Hurrah!

Alex's British at Pine Hill...

Michaels Cavalry... bathed in sunlight.

As I chase the Dutch Guard out of their defences I am greeted by lots of angry men with guns and pointy sticks.
This is the high water mark of my advance...

The Franco-Bavarians cross the river...

The Maison du Roi are steadily pushed back with ever increasing casualties...
The dice gods were not kind...

But... I did manage to draw the Dutch out of their defences and away from the village...
As it turned out this gave them a lot more opportunity to shoot me and my men into pieces of confetti...
The dice gods were not kind...
My phone ran out of power at this point so you will have to imagine all the fun and games that I had...

While this was going on Michael, Frank and Ollie forced the enemy out of their positions and as it was nearly Beer 'o' Clock victory was declared...

I may have come out of the battle a bit tattered (some may even say dead )... But

I was on the winning side... Hurrah!

This was another fantastic game.. I am now looking forwards more than ever to get my own WSS collection onto the table...
Many thanks to Peter (and Maggie) for entertaining and feeding us all so well...

You will find a different account of this battle plus more about Peter's marvellous Paperboys here...

Also buildings and troops here...

All the best   Aly