Tuesday, 28 June 2022

The Wild Geese Wargamers weekend 2022.


Just over a week ago I had the pleasure of returning to Kenilworth in Warwickshire and joining a fine group of fellows for a weekend of mainly 18th century warfare, fine food and a moderate amount/lashings of booze.

Our last get together was in 2019…Which now seems like a whole world ago.

The games on offer this year were…

The Battle of Prague with Prince August home cast figures from Steve Metheringham…

Hougoumont from Tony Dillon…

Mollwitz using plastic Spencer Smith Miniatures from Willz Harley…

The Battle of Reichenberg from Gary Philips…

Wellington in India from Martin Gane…

I played in three games over the weekend and even managed to be on the winning side in one…

Here are some images of my adventures… suitably randomised by Blogger.

My first game…Prague.

I took command of the cavalry…and after many glorious charges and counter charges… I came second.

Next up…Mollwitz

I took command of the Infantry this time…
And after many volleys and counter volleys… yup!…. That will be another second place…

And last but by no means least…Wellington in India.

I had command of the left flank…
And after volleys, counter volleys, charges, counter charges and even rocket fire… I was quite by surprise on the winning side… Hurrah!

I also won a well deserved trophy… 😁.

A truly splendid weekend in the company of splendid fellows…
A big thank you to everyone who made this happen…

I am already looking forward to next year…

I would also like to take the opportunity to mention the charity Blesma which was set up after WW1 to support Limbless Veterans…
These fine people were also having an AGM/Conference at the same Hotel and a number of the attendees popped in to look at our endeavours…

All the best.   Aly

Here are a few links to some of my fellow gamers Blogs/Sites…

Monday, 20 June 2022

From my side of the table… Vimeiro


Recently my friend David from the excellent blog Miniature Minions organised an internet play by mail game of the battle of Vimeiro for a few of us lucky chaps…

The game was organised and played out by David in the United States and gamed by chums in England,Scotland and New Zealand.

We were all give an aerial view of the battlefield showing our initial depositions and then photos from our commanders point of view, which we used as a basis for our orders… Yes Old School… Big Time… And splendid fun…

We sent our orders off and hoped that they would be interpreted as we intended….

The result was a game that really brought in the sense of the fog of war…

Here are a few shots from my point of view…of course in no particular order thanks to bloggers inbuilt randomiser feature…🙄

If you wish to find out how things turned out and see more of David’s wonderful collection of toys….please pop over to David’s blog here…

For more on Vameiro…

The game took quite a few weeks to work through and went very smoothly thanks to all of David’s hard work… This was also made more impressive by the fact that he paused the game so he could pop off and have some heart surgery done 😱😳… 

Honest it wasn’t our fault.

Thank you David…You are a star.

All the best.  Aly