Sunday, 28 July 2019

The War of Spanish Succession... French Infantry Regiment Anjou.


I've managed to finish another unit for this project..

French Infantry Regiment Anjou...

This is another eBay purchase...
I've had them on the painting desk for a while as they needed a bit more work than I had originally expected...
The Grey was rather grubby... so I had to match the colour and tidy them all up.
The Facings were a bit to light (at least I thought they were)... I mixed up a mid blue glaze and went over them.
The Piping and Buttons were the wrong colour...

Ha! well at least they weren't massively expensive...

Anyway after painting a bit here and a bit there they are done and have nice new Standards.

The Colonels Standard was from Maverick Models and the Regimental Standard was home made..

This unit saw action at...

Verrua and Cassano...1704.

The miniatures are as always Front Rank...
The paints are Wargames Foundry and Citadel...
Bases from Warbases...
The Flags are from Maverick Models...

Next on the table is some more command figures...

All the best   Aly

Saturday, 27 July 2019

From my side of the table... The Battle of Perryville...

Earlier this week Alan Perry hosted an A.C.W. game at his house...

This was an encounter game with some hidden movement at the beginning...

I have called this The Battle of Perryville...

Myself...Michael (Perry) and Alessio Cavatore commanded The Union forces...

Nick Eyre and Steve May were The Enemy!

Safe to say that my dice throwing was up to my usual (low) standard...
I moved forward gloriously...followed by an inability to hit a barn door at ten paces...

Thankfully my comrades did mange to hit the barn door (Confederates)...

Sadly not all my pictures were in focus or as good as they could be... so here is what I have...

Sleepy Perryville...

Hidden movement was done using mounted officers... some represented units others were blank..

"Gee... Is this guy for real?..."
"I don't know... Lets throw a brick at him"

We moved splendidly forward on our left flank...

The 'Enemy' move forward in the centre...
Their right flank were all...blanks

Our centre move forward to meet theirs...

The 'Enemy' made a push on our the left flank... they were met by our green and untried infantry..

Our brave left wing being... brave.

More bravery...

Some Gun on Gun action...

More glorious movement on my flank...

As well as untried infantry on our right flank... we also had guns and some decent infantry... and Alessio rolling decent dice... The Confederates were not happy...

Nick made a push on our left flank...things did not look good... That's Michaels cannon pointing at them...

Fortunately I was there to miss with all of my shots and not move very fast...
Then lose a round or two of combat...
My men moved back to take a rest...

The 'Enemy' centre also made a mad dash forward...

We also did some dashing...

Our centre waits to shoot the living daylights out of the 'Enemy'

It turns out that Michael can also roll dice...

Nick decided that the best thing would be to pull back and reorganise... I shot in the air ... quite close to him...

The Confederate centre clashes with our brave boys in blue... it didn't end well for them.

My men missing stuff...

Things not looking very well for the 'Enemy' here...

This was an excellent game with excellent friends...

Both sides pushed forwards with their left flanks...
The 'Enemy' came a cropper on their left flank...meeting unexpected resistance and cannons...
On our own left flank I dashed forwards gloriously and shot wildly into the air..
Nicks men ran out and shouted BOO!... which made my men... move backwards and shoot into the air again...
Fortunately our centre held theirs...

With two of their brigades broken the 'Enemy' raised their hands and ran away... Well that's what it looked like to me as I continued to shoot wildly at, around and above Nicks men... Obviously this hail of misdirected lead gave him the willies and he wisely joined the rush to the rear...

I am so taking this as a victory...
I need all I can get...

All the best   Aly.

Thursday, 18 July 2019

General Rapp Malchanceux and Jacob Wolff.

I have had these miniatures sitting on the painting desk looking impatiently at me for sometime...
So as a little change from WSS I decided to get them done...

First up...
General Rapp (Malchanceux).

This is one of the Giants in Miniature from Wargame illustrated...

I am going to use him as General Malchanceux for my Drums and Shakos games...
I painted this using Contrast colours in the same way as I painted The Duke if Marlborough.

Next up...

Jacob Wolff...

Jacob Wolff (1868 - December 4, 1926). Wolff was the owner of the cigar factory L. Wolff in Hamburg. Before the First World War, he was involved in the peace movement and supported them financially. At the outbreak of World War Wolff volunteered for the Air Force, although he was released as a major industrialist, from military service. Airplane and aviation training paid out of pocket, so as not to be rejected because of his age. In the course of his missions Jacob Wolff scored four confirmed and one unconfirmed Kills. His superiors repeatedly told the Jewish industrialist to convert to Christianity in order to increase his chances of promotion. Wolff always refused, though he never described himself as pious. In 1917 he was promoted to lieutenant of the Landwehr. Wolff survived the First World War and died in 1926 as a result of a motorcycle accident.

This is the miniature I made for this years Tactica in Hamburg...

I also found a link on the internet to a sale of some of Jacob Wolff's belongings.

All the best   Aly

Sunday, 14 July 2019

The War of Spanish Succession... The Duke of Marlborough

This is my first Command Stand... And I have decided to start with The Duke of Marlborough himself...

I also thought that it would be a good opportunity to try out some of Games Workshop's new Contrast Colours...

The Duke was first undercoated with GW White Primmer...
The horse was give a diluted wash of ... Contrast ... Gryph-Charger Grey.(All of the Contrast Colours were diluted using Contrast Medium)

The lower legs were painted with two coats of diluted ... Contrast... Black Templar.
The first coat was encouraged to bleed out onto legs using a brush dipped into the Contrast Medium...
The second coat was used to give more intensity to the fetlocks.
The main and tail were painted with pure Black Templar...

The coat was painted ... Citadel... Wild Rider Red.
Then given a slightly diluted coat of... Contrast... Blood Angels Red.
The horse trappings were painted... Citadel... Mephisto Red.
Then given a wash with... Contrast... Flesh Tearers Red.

The Horse was given some highlights using very diluted white... mostly on the rump and head.
The coat and trappings were also given some highlights... again using a diluted version of their original colours.

Some dapples were added to the horse using slightly less diluted white.
The horse harness, shoes, scabbard and hat were painted black.
The Gaiters were painted... Foundry... Buff Leather.
Then washed with slightly diluted... Contrast... Snakebite Leather.

The Gloves were painted... Foundry Buff Leather 7B.
Then given a coat of... Aly's Brown Liquid.
The Face was painted... Foundry Flesh 5B.
Then given a coat of diluted... Contrast... Guilliman Flesh.

The Braid was painted with a mix of Gold and Orange.
After a wash of Aly's Brown Liquid it was highlighted with the original shade.
Buttons etc. were painted with pure gold.

After a coat of Matt varnish the Leather Goods were given a Coat of Gloss.

The Trumpeter was given a Grey undercoat... Halfords own brand Grey Primmer (any good matt primmer would do)
The Horse was give a good coating of... Contrast... Black Templar.

The Horse Harness etc. Were painted black.
The Coat, Horse Trapping and Trumpet Banner were all painted...
Citadel... Evil Sunz Scarlet.
Then washed with slightly diluted... Contrast... Blood Angels Red.
Again this was highlighted with the original shade.

The cuffs were painted... Citadel... Kantor Blue.
The Gold, Gloves and Flesh were all painted the same way as the Duke's.

The Runner was based loosely on this image from the Blenheim Tapestries.

The figure was given a white undercoat...
The White Quarters were given a wash with Diluted... Contrast... Gryph-Charger Grey.
Then highlighted with Diluted White.
The Blue Quarters were painted... Citadel... Kantor Blue.
Then Washed with... Contrast... Leviadon Blue.
The Stockings were a wash of... Contrast... Wyldwood.

The Reds, Flesh, Hair, shoes and Hat were treated the same way as the Duke's.

The Gold's were again painted the same way as the Duke's.

Finished and Based...

I really enjoyed painting these... it was interesting using a new set of paints.
The Contrast colours are very high in pigment hence diluting them... You can always add another coat ... it is not so easy to take one off.
The other thing that I did was to mostly paint over a coloured base rather than straight onto the primmer... I felt more comfortable doing this as it was closer to my normal style of painting.

Will I use Contrasts again... yes
Will I completely change my normal painting style... probably not... but I will add Contrasts to my painting palette and use them for command stands, small units, characters and most defiantly horses.

Hopefully this all makes sense and is of some help...

The miniatures are as always Front Rank...
The paints are Wargames Foundry and Citadel...
Bases from Warbases...

All the best   Aly