Last weekend Dave Andrews and I popped over to Newark for the Other Partizan.
It was as always a grand affair and we got the chance to meet up with many lovely friends.
I am… as you may notice… a bit late in posting about the show… a busy week at work and a ‘Cold’ did their best to knock me for six.
I was convinced I had caught Covid again but all of my tests came up negative…I am going to be positive about things and try and look on my ‘Cold’ as a step back into some sort of normality… you remember… back in the day when a sneeze or a sniffle didn’t get you heading for a swab test…
I have stopped sneezing enough to get some more 40mm Napoleonics painted… they will be appearing on the blog soon.
For the moment here are a few pictures from the show…
A nice cold looking table from Old Pikey’s… I particularly liked the roads.
A beautifully presented game from TooFatLardies…
Marlburian style excellence from Phil Olley and Steve Gill.
Pyrotechnics in Vietnam from the Old Guard.
This game from the 1/72 Wargames Facebook Group caught my eye… especially as I had just bought the Osprey book.
A large 15mm War of the Roses game from the Carnwell Wargames Club.
Chocim 1660… An unusual and interesting game from The League of Augsburg.
Dark Age shenanigans from the Shrewsbury Wargames Society.
A nice looking WW2 desert game from the Derby Wargames Society…
A ‘vignette-tastic’ Siege of Candia game from the Boondock Sayntes…
It’s probably no surprise that this is where we found the winner of The Adrian Shepherd Award for Tabletop Vignettes.
We all agreed that this ‘Photo Journalist’ taking a shot of the Turkish fleet hit the spot… Well done indeed.
Did I buy anything?
Of course I did… It wouldn’t be a proper show if I didn’t come home with stuff…
More 15mm toys (I know I haven’t even started the others…but I really needed them) and some reading material.
I also let the butterfly loose…
I know… I just can’t help myself
It will be well into next year before I will even think about putting paint to these…
I call this planning for the future… 😂