Friday 12 July 2024

Seven Years Old…

Seven years old… 

It still seems like yesterday that I decided to start Blogging…

This year seems to have flown past…

I reckon that probably has to do with the constant upheaval of life and building work… As I type this I am waiting for someone to come and look at my drains ( Rock and Roll or what) and then organise getting a door fitted before the decorators come in for three days…

This has certainly affected my painting… pretty much everything is now in boxes so they can be moved easily when I get the wargames room fixed up… this will be mostly cosmetic unlike the cellar which was completely ‘tanked’ out.

Next door are having a big extension added to their house… so I am now getting their dust as well as my own 🙄.

I have had a reasonable number of games… not as many as I would have liked… but all were jolly good fun…

The youngsters at work have organised a monthly wargames evening… at the moment we are playing Lion Rampant War of the Roses but there are plans afoot to do other things.

So far I have been to Hammerhead, Partizan and the Wild Geese Weekend all good fun…

BritCon is coming up soon and I have the Other Partizan to look forward to…

Did I complete/start any of the projects my butterfly was fluttering over?… Sort of. 😁

The Crimean Russians are all rebased…

I will make a start on the British later in the year…

That little 1836 project is still ticking away in the background…

I’ve actually made some new torsos and heads for my Shiny Toy Soldier range… hopefully I will get some stuff in a mould sooner rather than later.

The ‘ yes I know I’m mad’ 54mm project has moved forward a bit… I have some more figures cleaned up and primed.

Shiny Napoleonics continue to move steadily on… I have enough for a game but not all the terrain… there are trees and buildings but no hills, rivers or roads.

Everything else is keeping its head down and avoiding the dust…

So what new trouble has my butterfly got me into?

Remember this picture…

It may have lead to something Pyrrhic…

I really couldn’t resist these lovely Aventine Miniatures…

This will be a slow one for the moment… 
My sarcoidosis related eye problems have meant that while I’ve been cleaning up and priming figures…and buildings… I have not been doing a huge amount of painting…but things are improving so hopefully the output will start to increase…

So… What else for the future?

Once the cellar is finished it will become my work room… I shall do most of my painting and terrain making down there…
The Wargames room will be next… As soon as that is finished the toys will all be put back on the shelves and hopefully a lot more gaming will happen. 
I also have a hankering to do something from the Waterloo/100days campaign… I’m not sure what yet but something is taking shape in the back of my butterfly brain…🦋🦋🦋

Hopefully when I post on my next Blog Birthday I will be on the verge of retiring… my plans are to reduce my working hours slowly then take the plunge in 12 months or so.
After that… Sitting in my renovated house, painting toy soldiers, reading books, playing games, making miniatures for myself and doing the odd bit of freelance….

Thank you to everyone who has followed me and given me encouragement and support in all my butterfly madness…

All the best.   Aly


  1. Aly,
    I doubt you are any more of a butterfly than most wargamers....☺
    Good luck with the retirement planning; I've been working out the prospects of going before 67 myself, but probably need a bit more advice on options...
    Good luck with the renovations....

    1. Thank you Neil…
      I’m surprised that there isn’t a butterfly named after us 😁

      All the best. Aly

  2. Congratulations on seven years of blogging and for your upcoming retirement! Both cause for celebration. Keep up the good work! Always a pleasure stopping in to see where your butterfly has landed.

    1. Thank you Jonathan…

      All the best. Aly

    2. Congrats on the anniversary of this blog. A corner of sanity in the bubbling sea of everyday. I am looking forward to the 100 Days idea fleshing out. Good luck with your new rooms. All the toys look spiffy.

    3. New rooms, New Aventines, New planning for a Hundred Days project. Your blog is always a great stop for inspiration. Seven more starts now!

    4. Thank you Joe…
      I’m certainly not going to be bored…

      All the best. Aly

  3. Happy BlogDay Aly - as always, lots of stuff going on at your place! I do wish people would stop talking about retirement though - its just depressing for those of us of " a certain age" (62 in a month) who still have AT LEAST another three years of our sentence to serve!

    1. Thank you Keith…
      I could have retired last year if I wanted to… but I thought I would give it another year or so…
      I reckon the retirement age is going to keep going up.
      In fact I know people who are still at work at 70.

      Get out while you can 😁

      All the best. Aly

    2. Happy Anniversary. As for retirement... I retired from my teaching job at 69 - wanted to go to 70 but Covid put an end to that! Here's to the next 7 years blog and a happy retirement when it happens.

    3. Thank you Rob…
      I suppose I could work until I’m 70… but I would rather be painting toy soldiers 😁

      All the best. Aly

  4. Keeping busy amongst all the disruption of building work and health concerns. Happy 7th Blog Birthday here's to the next. Onward!

  5. Happy Seventh Blogiversary! You blog always entertains and inspires we mediocre folk to press on! Glad to hear building work and eye are progressing too.

    1. Thank you David…
      You are hardly mediocre old chap…

      All the best. Aly

    2. That's very kind Aly, but I know my place and my limitations.

  6. Congratulations on the 7th birthday of your blog and a very good review of your year so far, retirement on the horizon as well!! I have a couple of years left before I get to retire, work pensions kick in on my 65th and that is me!

    1. Thank you Donnie…
      I could have had my works pension at 65… but as I really enjoy my job I thought I would give it another couple of years.

      All the best. Aly

  7. Happy birthday and all that Aly and good to see lots going on despite the real world activity. Napoleonic new (another) project does sound fun

    1. Thank you Matt…
      As for the Napoleonic/ Hundred days …I am thinking a small ( to begin with) Featherstone - Action in the Plattville Vally sized game/collection.
      Using the prettiest units I can find.😁

      All the best. Aly

  8. A lovely mix of projects on show. I hope all your plans re: house, retiring and wargaming come to fruition well.
    Stephen who is coming to the end of his first year of retirement and finding it good for the hobby.

    1. Thank you Stephen.
      People do say that retirement is very good for improving your hobbies.

      All the best. Aly

  9. Congratulations on your blog's birthday and your productivity given all the real world intrusions - hope your eyes get better soon.

    1. Thank you Rob…
      They eye is improving steadily so hopefully the painting with increase in the same way.

      All the best. Aly

  10. Best wishes on your blog's anniversary. It remains a constant pleasure, often one of a very few sources of sunlight in a dark landscape. Thanks Aly.

    1. Thank you very much Tony…

      All the best. Aly

  11. Dear Aly, Congratulations on the anniversary!!! Wishing you all the success hobby wise and work wise. You inspire me to do my own projects with all your lovely painting of toy soldiers. Your 54mm toy soldiers and the smaller Napoleonic cousins look fabulous!!! Thank you - Quinn

    1. Thank you very much Quinn…

      Dive into the shiny waters… it’s lovely…and shiny 😁
      You know you want to…

      All the best. Aly

  12. A good "blog" year, and a happy (blog) anniversary, indeed! Sounds like you'll really be poised for a new phase come this time next year (not the least of which will be changing from work to retired--and all the toy soldier time that comes with that!).

    1. Thank you Ed…
      I have been preloading my collections and my house for that matter in preparation for retirement… so I should have plenty to keep me occupied.

      All the best. Aly

  13. Happy Birthday Blog. That's one busy butterfly Aly! Hope the eyes improve soon. Also the dice rolling ;)

    1. Thank you Rick…
      Does retirement bring better dice?… I hope so 😁

      All the best. Aly

  14. Happy blogday Aly, well done on an excellent and informative blog.


  15. Happy blogday to you, happy blogday to you...and all that. The years just slip by don't they?

    1. Thank you Mark…
      Ain’t that just so…

      All the best. Aly

  16. Happy belated blogday Aly. Glad to see you are keeping yourself busy. You may be "mad", but I love the 54s!

    1. Thank you David…
      The 54’s are so much fun to paint… My butterfly made me do it 😁🦋🦋🦋

      All the best. Aly
