Monday 8 July 2024

From My Side of the Table… 1672.


After work last Thursday I popped round to Alan Perry’s house for another game using our friend Nick’s 1672 Franco Dutch collection….

I took the French right…

Nick had the centre…

And Michael the left…

Opposing use were the Dutch and their Mercenaries/Allies…

Rick opposite me…

Alan opposite Nick…

And Epp opposite Michael…

My glorious men make their way onto the Fields of Mars…

As do Nick’s fine men…

Here we see my stunningly slow… but glorious… manoeuvring off the road… That roll of a ‘9’ is not a good thing…

Here we can see Alan’s  troops scurrying into the buildings in front of them as Nick advances gloriously forward…

We re-christened his men ‘House’ Dragoons and ‘House Pike’ because… Let’s be honest… That is where they stayed for the whole battle.

Michael showed everyone how to give the enemy… Epp’s Spanish… A full on volley.

Unfortunately it was just this once… For the rest of the battle I believe he couldn’t have hit a barn door … Even if it fell on him… Sigh!

A flank attack?…
But a very slow one…

Nick’s men brace themselves to attack Alan’s now well prepared force…

I told you it was a slow flank attack… So slow that Rick has plenty time to move his cavalry to meet it… and Alan has time to send over some of his ‘spare’ cavalry… I believe there was no room for them in the buildings 🙄

Nick’s Swiss start to take devastating fire from Alan’s dug in troops… So much so that many of them fall to the ground and start to turn into AWI British… We always know when casualties are bad… They change periods….😱

My flank attack developed into a toe to toe cavalry action…But sadly even with assistance from my gun and infantry adding firepower against the flanks of Rick and Alan’s cavalry 
I just didn’t have enough men, horses or good dice to make a difference.

Looking across the field of battle… I could see that Nick had beaten himself to a standstill trying to dislodge Alan from his position and… Well let’s be honest… Michael had run away 🤣.

We called it a day…

What an excellent game … Good company… Pretty Toys and a very nice Pizza ( Which was being delivered just as I arrived… Hurrah!) What more could you ask for.

I didn’t pick up some North Star 1672 figures from Nick and I haven’t cleaned them up and primed them… Honest.

They eye continues to improve… So hopefully some of the various primed figures will now start to get some paint on them…

All the best.  Aly


  1. Lovely looking battle Aly and glad the eye is recovering hopefully back to normal soon 👍

    1. I’m surprised your butterfly hasn’t landed on this yet 😁
      Slow but steady improvement… At least prepping miniatures still feels like ‘ Hobby’…

      All the best. Aly

  2. The wars of the Sun King--I have it in 6mm, but it's fabulous seeing it in 28!

    1. It’s such a colourful period… With lots of pretty flags…

      All the best. Aly

  3. Superb looking table and those figures are really top notch, the 1672 range is very tempting I must admit! Look like a day well spent!

    1. It certainly was a day well spent 😁…
      I of course wasn’t tempted at all 🤣🤣🤣

      All the best. Aly

  4. A splendid looking game there, much enhanced by your amusing AAR!

    1. Thank you David…
      It was jolly good fun…

      All the best. Aly

  5. I hope your health continues to improve. What a terrific spectacle. Something of a favourite period but other projects mean it will probably be months before Imy paint brushes can return to it. This is a magnificent collection. Has the Bishop of Munster changed sides or is he about to attack the rear of the Dutch?

    1. It was indeed a fine game…
      The Bishop follows his own path… 🤣

      All the best. Aly

  6. Glad you are feeling better Aly, great looking game.


    1. Thank you Willz…
      A game guaranteed to put a smile on your face…

      All the best. Aly

  7. The company of good friends is better than losing to strangers.
    Ps How thoughtful of the wounded to take off their full coats before lying down in the grass and mud.

    1. Very true Ross…
      All our casualties have impeccable manners…

      All the best. Aly

  8. A fine looking game, table and toys to accompany the pizza, enhanced by your witty commentary.

    1. Thank you Phil…
      The pizza was definitely better than my wit 😁

      All the best. Aly

  9. I can think of few events I would rather have waiting for me after work than a beautiful game such as this. The table looks spectacular. A general needs enough men, horses, and good dice to pull off victory. Good to see (!) that your eye trouble is easing.

    1. An excellent end to the day…
      If only my dice throwing was improving as much as my eye…👀

      All the best. Aly

  10. Not sure how I missed this one earlier, Aly - although it has been a very busy time at work the last 2-3 weeks (boooo!) What a fantastic looking table, adorned by beautiful toys - outstanding! I am glad your eye is improving; they are quite critical to the painting process!

    1. It certainly was a cracking game Keith…
      Yes eyes do help a lot with the colouring in…

      All the best. Aly
