Sunday 11 August 2024

Britcon… 2024


This weekend saw the Britcon 2024 show in Nottingham…

Now I really like this show…

It’s in Nottingham… At the Nottingham Trent University building in the centre of town…

Very easy to get to… Trams and buses stop almost outside…

It’s free entry on Saturday and Sunday 

Also it’s where my daughter studied Graphic Design and Illustration.

We both went on the Saturday… I did my usual thing of wandering around and buying a couple of things and then going back on the Sunday and buying more 😱…

There are a few gripes I could make… The lack of signage being the biggest… Although it was actually better this year than last…

Layout is another… But once again it is still an improvement on last year…

A hand out map would be a help here…

A bonus is that there are definitely more comfy chairs than you will find at Partizan…

I really appreciated this…

There is also a lift to all the different levels… I think you can guess my age group by the fact that these things are important 🤣.

I think it’s safe to say that this show is finding its feet… And I hope it will be back next year.

One of the bonus’s about being in the town centre is that you can pop out and find a decent restaurant within walking distance… Which is what Mharaid and I did on the Saturday… A restaurant called Gusto…I would recommend it to anyone…

Here are some of the few pictures I took…

I hope it reflects the day/days well enough…

The Perry’s French in Egypt game… 

A very nice ‘What if’ Hundred Days battle.. From my old Wargames Club when I lived in Edinburgh..

An Indian Mutiny game from the Boondock Sayntes… A splendid affair with a lot of Jungle Book Easter Eggs scattered around the table.

These games were all to be found in the Wargames Illustrated area…

There was a Two Fat Lardies area but our need for food stopped us going in there.😋.

I was ‘In town’ on Sunday (today) so I popped in to pick up a couple of things I  had been pondering over…

Early doors on a hot Sunday…

It got busier…

My loot…

Well what do you expect…

I have some sample 15mm vehicles for the Desert War that I intend to paint up when I have set up a spray booth so having a simple guide to the campaign was an obvious thing to pick up.
This is one of my many ‘Next Year’ projects…

Civilians (Victims) and more Standards for the Wars of the Roses…
From Athena Miniatures…

Did I need any of this?

Of course not… But I really really wanted it 🤣🤣🤣

Not much painting at the moment… The mojo has taken a long Summer break 🙄.

All the best   Aly


  1. I can only echo your comments Aly.....
    It has the makings of what could be a really good show - a bit like Derby just before the University pulled the plug.
    But signage! Layout! Seriously, putting a new paint trader with a promotion for painting figures in one of the darkest areas!
    I note there has been a bit of a turnover in traders; there's some consistent regulars, but quite a few don't seem to have lasted more than one show.....I assume it wasn't financially viable.
    I would have thought you could fill it with East Midlands traders....
    Also don't put eye catching games away in a room without signs to show what's there?
    On the bright side, it has outlasted that show at the Tennis centre.....☺

    1. The signage was definitely one of the main issues…
      It may be that they are still trying to ‘ find where they are’ in that space…
      Mharaid and I still enjoyed the day very much…

      I wonder if their website has a place where you can give feedback…
      I must have a look when I have more time.

      All the best. Aly

  2. Nice report and some lovely looking games on show, a good haul as well! I know what you mean about the painting mojo leaving in the summer, same here, just as well I have plenty of things to be varnished and based!

    1. Thank you Donnie…
      Although I haven’t been painting I have been prepping a lot of new toys… It takes a lot less effort than painting…

      All the best. Aly

  3. Looks like a nice bright modern venue Aly - and the games you took pics of are very nice, my favourite being the Indian Mutiny one!
    I did wonder about your figure purchases, several of them look like they are wearing long skirts - but you have explained why that is!

    1. It is a very nice venue Keith…
      The Indian Mutiny game is indeed a cracker…
      I think anyone could wear long skirts back in the day of Richard III

      All the best. Aly

  4. Very pretty looking games and a very nice coverage. Wargamers are spoiled for choice in the UK methinks. Nice looking venue too. Lord know how you get to drag your daughter to these things though. I doubt mine would entertain the idea for a second.

    1. Thank you agree…
      We are indeed spoiled for choice…
      My daughter is a keen wargamer… she has grown up in the ‘Industry’… And works beside me in GW…
      A going by her dice throwing… She is in league with the devil…😈

      All the best. Aly

  5. Might have gone to this but for the 'foot'! Perhaps next year {DV}. Some of the games look lovely in your pictures. Nice to see your purchases fluttering typically...

    1. It’s worth a visit David…
      My butterfly certainly enjoyed it…

      All the best. Aly

  6. Hmmm, ‘next year project’ what a great excuse to stock up now, must borrow that!

    1. Front loading for retirement is a useful one as well…

      All the best. Aly

  7. Sounds like you had a fab time, Aly. Great to see some goodies picked up to, even if you didn't need them!!
    Comfy chairs sound good too!

    1. We did indeed Ray…
      The goodies like comfortable chairs are always needed 😁

      All the best. Aly

  8. Thanks for sharing your visit Aly, I think I will make a point of visiting this show next year.


    1. It was a pleasure Willz…
      It’s worth a visit…

      All the best. Aly

  9. Great stuff Aly I saw some of the battles on Facebook and they appear universally brilliant , more shopping ……..well you deserve it 👍

    1. Thank you Matt…
      There were indeed some nice games to see…
      My butterfly doesn’t like me to leave a show empty handed 😁

      All the best. Aly

  10. Good looking games and a nice haul, I should really support it as a former student but difficult from Wales at the moment!
    Best Iain

    1. A successful day out indeed…
      You could always visit the show and then all your old haunts around Nottingham… mind you the city is changing so fast they might not be there anymore 😳.

      All the best. Aly

  11. Nice to see you both - I agree, the show gets better every year and is well worth the trip. I also found time to pick up some 15mm WW2 - Germans this time to oppose my fairly substantial late war British. I didn't need those either :)

    1. It was good to see you as well…
      Of course you needed them… Who else could your British fight…

      All the best. Aly

  12. Fine day (or two) out there Aly also bagging some fine not needed stuff.

    1. A fine weekend in fact Phil…
      The unnecessary purchases were of course compulsory 😁

      All the best. Aly

  13. The Perry's French in Egypt game is always an impressive sight to see!

    1. It was indeed a lovely looking game and a fine collection of pretty toys…

      All the best. Aly
