Saturday 10 August 2024

From My Side of the Table… More Lion Rampant.


Last Friday four of us gathered together once more at Matt’s house for another game of Lion Rampant using our Wars of the Roses toys.

This time I joined forces with Matt… Jasper Tudor… I suspect the De La Pole family will be spinning in their graves… But it is the Wars of the Roses and loyalties are flexible…

We were up against Steven…Hastings…. and Alessandro… Somerset.

We used The Taxman Cometh scenario…

Each side had to collect as many ‘Tax’ counters as they could and with added points for destroying enemy units who ever had the most at the end of the game wins…

The ‘Tax’ counters are valued at 1,2 or 3 points  and are placed randomly on the table…

We set the game at 7-8 moves…

My men form up for battle/tax collecting…
Take note of the unit of archers at the bottom of the picture…
They liked it there… 🙄…

A view across at Hastings and Somerset… Boooo !

Jasper Tudor and his men….

Hastings… booo!

Me… Hurrah! Hurrah!…

My brave boys face off against Hastings dastardly cavalry….

Brave Jasper Tudor charges into town to save the day… And collect taxes… Which are of course going to be used to improve the infrastructure of this small community… Honest.
It didn’t end well…

Here are my archers… Where they were at the beginning of the game…I believe they are debating whether or not climbing through the hedge as it may ruin their nice new clothes….
This appears to have become a ‘thing’… Next thing you know there will be talk of  ‘Votes’… Whatever that is 🤔.

The utter swines have stolen our money/future development funds…

Jasper finds himself all alone as his men are … Dead 💀😳… He was to join them moments later.
It didn’t seem to bother the rest of his troop though… they continued to fight on . (They made their morale saves).

After a bit more fussing about… My archers manage to cross the hedge and joint the rest of my men…
They look quite intimidating… It’s a shame that they couldn’t hit a barn door at three paces.

Hastings and Somerset make a drive forward and capture a lot of ‘Tax’… Typical the rich stealing from the poor again… You certainly wouldn’t see the likes of us behaving like that…🙄

The villains meet up to count their ill gotten gains…

My brave Billmen dash in and rescue some of the village benevolent fund in the last minutes of the game…

The game played out really well 
At the beginning Matt and I were rolling some of the worst dice ever… I’m sure we rolled a zero at one point…
By the end things improved for me a bit… But it was too late… The villains had grabbed most of the ‘Tax’…
When we turned our counters over all we had were ones… sigh!

Matt pointed out to me that I hadn’t taken many pictures of his very nice toys in the last game.

So here is a view from his side of the table…

Matt/Tudor did all he could to drive his men forwards towards Somerset’s men but he was continually thwarted by the fickle gods of dice…
He was however glorious and went down fighting… They can’t take that away from him… 

Or can they 😈.

All the best.  Aly


  1. Looks epic! I am reading Dragon's Rampant at the moment and this is the look I wanted. A timely post!

    1. I also have Dragon Rampant…
      It looks to me that it plays the same as Lion Rampant…
      Just with added monsters…

      I look forward to seeing what you do…

      All the best. Aly

  2. Very fun game told with your usual panache!

  3. A lovely game to behold as always Aly and a nice narrative style too:)!

  4. A fine looking game admirably described with your usual charm and wit.

  5. Amusing as ever! You seem to have the same dice as me of late...☹️

    1. Thank you David…
      I do hope it’s not an ‘age’ thing… Or we are dooomed….doooomed….I tell you 🤣

      All the best. Aly

  6. Lion Rampant are brill ! - I can remember most of the rules in my head - always a plus ! , cheers Tony

    1. Yes a very easy game to pick up…. And quite difficult to break.

      All the best. Aly

  7. Looks like your archers didn't want to ladder their tights clambering through that nasty, spikey hedge, Aly! Didn't they have similar qualms about moving towards the enemy in your previous game; where are they from...Tolpudddle?! 😉

    1. They are an odd lot… They use funny sounding words from time to time… ‘proletariat’ ‘ universal suffrage’ ‘equal rights’…???
      I don’t know what any of that means… I am sure nothing good.

      All the best. Aly

  8. For whatever reason, the failed activations in Lion Rampant (and Pikeman's Lament) don't bother me as they do in other systems. I reckon it has to do with the low stakes involved (quick games, narrative in nature). Good looking game: it's all good!

    1. The failed activations always bring a laugh… From your enemies 🤣.
      It does add nicely to the narrative…

      All the best. Aly

  9. Great looking game and a cracking read, great stuff!

  10. Great report and some fantastic figures...I really like your circular group basing...very clever 🤪

    1. Thank you James…
      We have basically copied what Micheal Leck did for Rebels and Patriots and Pikeman’s Lament… But made the bases slightly bigger… An extra 5mm in most cases.

      All the best. Aly

  11. A good looking and entertaining game Aly 👍

  12. Aly, I rediscovered your blog looking for Lion Rampant inspiration and made myself a follower. Your blog is very inspiring and not only because of the great range of themes and styles of the hobby you cover, but also the always enthusiastic mindset.
    If or when you have time, do come say hello at the Nyudrev Chronicles.

    1. Hi Pjotr
      Good to have another fellow Lion Rampant fan on board…
      Hopefully you will enjoy my many wargames butterfly adventures…

      All the best. Aly
