Saturday 12 October 2024

From My Side of the Table… Another Game of Lion Rampant.


The other week Matt, Israel, Alessandro and myself got together for another game of Lion Rampant using our Wars of the Roses toys…

In true period style we swapped sides around…

Alessandro (Somerset) and myself (De La Pole) v’s Matt (Tudor) and Israel (Bouchier)

The scenario was very like a treasure hunt/rescue… Three travellers were wandering the table all with useful information in their possession… whoever “rescued “ the most was the winning side.

Two of our Wanderers… There is also a Merchant/Trader but he had already scuttled off…

The Wanderers moved randomly… When a unit made contact with them they could run away, come with them, come with them but slow you down or cause them to change sides…

We kept things as simple as possible 😁

Our brave boys prepare for battle and a bit of  “rescuing “…

That’s the Trader keenly headed towards us…

Gratuitous images of my brave fellows… Well it is called From “My” Side of the Table 😁.

Okay…. Here are the villains…
There is not a lot of moving going on here… The Gods of Dice did not favour Israel and Matt on this adventure…

Israel builds a wall of green dice in an attempt to keep me away… The Wanderers decide to move away from us… Except for Brother Drinkwell who falls over the hedge…

Israel and Matt… Still not moving much…

Brother Drinkwell knows which side has the best wine cellars and joins us with gusto…

The Trader ponders his next move…The Young Lady has headed off  in the direction of the Tudors (Matt).

Off camera there has been a lot of action…With Israel coming of worst and losing a lot of men…
In desperation he challenged me to a duel…
It’s a resounding draw 🤣
Unfortunately I actually met my demise shortly after this … my men carried on and sought revenge (Or more likely just didn’t care 🙄)
Israel also met his end… The good old arrow in the eye routine… A classic 🤣.

We have the Trader now… Hurrah!

Alessandro’s men get stuck into Matt’s archers while rather surprisingly the Young Lady persuades her Tudor “Rescuers” to change sides… Oh how we laughed 🤣🤣🤣.

The Trader and Brother Drinkwell head safely towards our end of the table…

The last picture… And nearly the last man… 
But not for us😁…

This was a hoot of a game… Especially considering that the scenario was knocked together in the few minutes before we started…
My dice throwing was unnaturally good… Matt wanted to know what I had done with the real Aly 🤣😈.

We were having such a good time that no one took any pictures of the out and out massacre that Isreal had to endure… He didn’t seem that enthusiastic about taking any himself for some reason.

I  would like to do something like this again but with a bit more planning… Possibly more like a treasure hunt game involving wandering characters and loot…

All the best.  Aly

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