Saturday, 28 November 2020

From my side of the table... The Potomac Campaign 2


This is the next instalment of my involvement in Alan Perry’s Potomac Campaign...

The Battle at Point of Rocks...

Once again I shall refer you to Alan’s reasonably accurate account as my only recollection was that it was glorious...

“As I recall I took possession of the ridge and as the tidal wave of  secessionists washed against my bastion I had the pleasure of watching a great victory unfold below me.
General Ebenezer Leonidas Luckless the Third.










Glorious days indeed...
It was a very enjoyable game and clearly a victory for the good guys...

All the best.  Aly

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Shiny Napoleonics... Waldeck Line Infantry.


Another new unit finished for this project...

The Waldeck Line Infantry Battalion...

This unit was part of the 3rd Provisional Infantry Regiment which was part of the North German Federal Army Corps in June 1815...

My reason for picking this unit is of course because it’s pretty...

The figure I used was a Minifigs Intermediate Range French infantryman altered to look suitably German.

This was a very useful book for the uniform details...

Apparently this unit did not carry a standard even when it was part of The Confederation of the Rhine...
I am going to paint a Prussian Fusilier unit and as they didn’t carry standards either, these guys shouldn’t stand out as unusual...

The Uniform is... Citadel... Pallid Wych Flesh.
The Belts are... Citadel... Corax White.
The Facings are... Citadel... Hoeth Blue.
The Muskets and Packs are... Citadel... Mournfang Brown.
The Greatcoat is... Citadel... Administration Grey.
As usual everything was given a wash of Aly’s Brown Liquid and re-highlighted with the original colours.
The belts were brought up to pure White.

All the best.  Aly

Sunday, 15 November 2020

New Stuff... Terrain,Books and a bit more Nostalgia.


Over the last couple of weeks I have taken delivery of some more lovely things...

I suspect my post person is getting a lot more exercise these days...

First up is a terrain mat from Geek Villain...

This is it straight from the package... there are some crease lines visible but I draped it over a clothes rack in a warm room and most have disappeared , I think the remainder will come out with a light iron.

I saw this on Phil Robinson’s blog...

And thought I would try one...I chose the same one as Phil... Sicily.

My plan is to use it for my 3rd Century Roman games rather than construct a lot of new desert boards.

I really like making terrain but I am getting a bit short of space so if this works out I may get some more.

The Butterfly thinks this is a good idea as it opens up opportunities  for lots more pretty desert based toys.😂

Next up are a couple of books from Osprey.

I have no plans whatsoever to dive into either of these periods/subjects but I have always found them interesting... (Yeah if you believe that I might even get you to vote for me in the next election)

I have had a quick look through them and they are what I would expect from Osprey.

Last we have a touch more nostalgia...

Well I say nostalgia but when I was a lad this kind of publication was well above my pay/pocket money grade...

Seventeen and sixpence.... I think you could buy a car for that back in 1969...

They are absolutely filled with useful stuff... I wish there were magazines like this nowadays.

Here is a pick of what I consider the highlights...

Flutter Flutter Flutter...

I am busy painting shiny things and tomorrow Mharaid and I have planned another FaceTime session so she can continue stomping all over me in our current game...

All the best    Aly


Sunday, 8 November 2020

From my side of the table... The Potomac Campaign.


Some of you may have noticed that Alan Perry has been posting the account of the ongoing Potomac Campaign that was started last year... which of course has been paused because of circumstances beyond our control.

I must say it is nice to see what was happening away from my own area of command... it’s also good to see that he could remember what actually happened, it’s pretty much lost in the mists of time as far as I am concerned...

Go here for a full account of The Battle of Charles Town...

The only evidence I can find of the day is a short and almost certainly very accurate statement from my glorious commander...

“Although vastly outnumbered we fought like lions and I am convinced that when we left the field of battle we were clearly the victors”
General Ebenezer Leonidas Luckless the Third.

Here are some images from the day... I shall leave the narrative to those with sharper memories...

 Luckless shall return...

All the best    Aly