Greetings …
I managed to take a lot less pictures for this game than I normally do…
The main reason was… I was having far to much fun… I can honestly say that Mharaid and I spent a lot of our time laughing…
I have… for probably the first time… altered some pictures to try and give an impression of what happened in this delightfully confused massacre/game.
First up a reminder of the table…
All is well and Old Sleepy is guarding the Yule Goat and the Christmas Tree…
Our four groups of Treasure/Christmas Dinner hunters enter the table…
Sergeant Baptiste and his men…
Sergeant Shirley and his men…
An excellent start… Mharaid/Rust immediately started to get organised…
I rolled…Mostly…. One’s 🙄
Henri and Dorian turned over a counter…
And the Snow hits the fan…
As always Mharaid rolled well and got more organised…
Don’t they look pretty…
Army Red starts to find Christmas Dinner…
I continue to roll… This 🙄.
It didn’t all go Mharaids way though…
Dougal got Canvassed…
Sergeant Shirley continues in an orderly manner…
Even I am starting to feel sorry for Dougal…
Sergeant Shirley continues to add to his force…
After much wandering and failed dice rolls…
I find Dimitri…
Do you remember this Snowball ?…
Do you remember this dice ?…
Do you remember Dimitri ?… 😱😱😱.
The table as it looked when we stopped for some food…On the far left of the picture you can just make out a marauding Snowball…
Not as posh as Cleaver and Wake…
But a very tasty Beef and Sausage Stew…
Yum! Yum! Yum!…
After Dinner…
Rust has also been organised and has made a few new friends…And Drunky.
Mharaid’s plan was to form groups move as one and deliver maximum firepower on my scattered disorganised forces…
Groups may also be seen of as targets of opportunity… 😱…
Drunky sees the Yule Goat…
The Snowball sees Drunky…
Goodbye Drunky…
Shirley continues to add to his force…
Shirley moves towards the Village and my still disorganised force nearby… For a change The Dice Gods were looking the other way…
Oh Snow!!!…
David manages to dive out of the way… In the background Dougal is still being Canvassed 🤣.
Near the Village… Although slightly disorganised Malchanceux starts to hold off Shirley’s more organised advance…
Yes even I was a bit surprised…
Rust and Baptiste also faced off against each other…
Then this happened…
Seeing the horror on the other side of the table…
Shirley Bayonet Charged Malchanceux 😳
The results were devastating 💀💀💀💀💀…
Of course this doesn’t go unnoticed…
The slaughter of Rust and Baptiste continues…
At this point I realised that I had three men left in any condition to fight…
I surrendered to the victors…
The Three Snowballs of the Apocalypse 🤣😂🤣…
Given that The Three Snowballs of the Apocalypse were rolling randomly for direction… Once they were all out on the table and we generously presented ourselves in convenient stationary groups it started to feel like they were the organised ones… Prowling like round snow sharks looking for victims 😳💀💀.
Although I managed to knock a few people over… I caused no actual casualties..
Dad… 0.
Mharaid caused six casualties…
Mharaid… 6
The Snowballs caused nine casualties ten if you include the pig…
Snowballs… 9/10.
Third place is a first for me 🤣😂🤣… Sigh!
Would we make the Snowballs weaker next time… Of course not 😁… We will just have to change our tactics 🤣.
Bob Brush just wandered about…
Ken Pump bored poor Dougal rigid…
Drinky was unrevealed in the village… He was probably asleep 😴.
To say this was fun would be a serious understatement…
I hope my report makes some sort of sense and that you enjoyed reading it…If nothing else I hope the pictures made you smile…
All the best. Aly