Another stand painted…
This unit has really been like pulling teeth… I honestly don’t understand why it has taken me so long…
But here they are…
The Coburg Contingent…
They have been pretty much painted in the same way as the Weimar Continent but with Evil Sunz Scarlet turnbacks and white belts…
All I have to do now is the command stand… which is in a very Prussian looking uniform…
Hopefully this won’t take too long…
As I write this Nottingham is in the middle of an incredible full on thunder, lightning and rain storm…
The rain is quite literally flailing the back of my house… I opened the back door to try and watch the lightning… but I had to close it because my shoes were getting soaked…
That will be the end of summer then…
I blinked and missed it 🤣…
All the best Aly