Wednesday 12 July 2023

Six years old… Another year of blogging.


My little blog is now six years old….

It’s now well into primary school/education… A bit of a late starter and still developing but I’m sure when it grows up it will be a wonderful intelligent thing…😁

It’s been a busy and varied year…

The house still looks a complete mess as many things are still in boxes awaiting work on my cellar…
I now know that concrete isn’t that expensive….But the hire of the mixer and the pump to get the stuff into where you want it is… And that leak we all thought was fixed….Wasn’t 😳.

Work is crazy… But I am getting to make some splendid toys… I am celebrating 40 years at Games Workshop this year and it is still not boring…
I am however turning my thoughts towards retirement…Not right now… But not too far away… The lead mountain sadly isn’t going to paint itself  so I will need to make time for it.

On the subject of the mountain… It’s really more like an Alp…Hence the need to get the cellar sorted out.

I honestly didn’t think I had done much over the last year… But the truth is my butterfly has been everywhere 🤣🦋🦋🦋.

Shiny Napoleonics….
Still ticking away….  I have some Hanoverians that are starting to look threatening… They are so close to being finished… But keep getting pushed to the back of the queue…

40mm Peninsular War…
I have actually painted up every single figure I acquired for this project… A first for me… I will be getting more soon.

A new painting desk… 
It certainly doesn’t look like that now 😂… What do you think of the shutters?… I’ve got them on all the windows now.

DBA… Who would have thunk it…
And… It was the youngsters at work who suggested it… This has lead to a number of excellent games… Including 3rd Century Rome… War of 1812… and we also have a What a Tanker game lined up.

Dads Army… It’s a bit of a slow burner at the moment… But I’ve got all the toys I need and there is more heading for the painting queue.

15mm Carolingians…
I have a big old box of these…They are an absolute joy to paint… So expect more…

Remember this… Well… I’ve got some Byzantines now…

More to follow… As I intend this to be for Lion Rampant the project should be done before the next birthday…
I love these figures and they are so easy to paint…

The War of Austrian Succession…
This one is very high on my list…I have a few units in the mountain, every time I go to a show I buy some more…I love the uniforms, I love the figures and I love the flags.

1836 And All That… Well that’s what I’m calling it 😂… This is still an itch that I want to scratch…

I painted up another test figure… I like how this one is looking.

Okay I am going to call this bit… 
What the Butterfly Saw…

54mm and shiny…
Come on! There is no way your surprised…

Mark Copplestone’s Little Soldiers … Of course I’ve got a boxful to paint…

Seven Years War Flats… I blame my chum Paul… 
I definitely haven’t bought any from Berliner Zinnfiguren… Honest.

This….  I blame the youngsters from work… I can’t cope with all that peer pressured 😂
Something will be happening later in the year.

On top of all that silliness there is still the great re-basing project…

Romans at the Baths….

And of course I’ve had a few games here and there… I want to try and have lots more.

Well there you have it… Another year of butterflying , playing and painting.

The world is sadly still a mad place… But it is made a lot better having your company and support over the last year… 

I thank you.

All the best.  Aly


  1. Congratulations, Aly! For me, following your blog has been six years well spent. Yes! Yes! Yes, to seeing all of your projects in your regular blogging lineup. Congrats on 40 years at GW too!

    1. Thank you Jonathan…
      It certainly looks like I’m going to be kept busy for the next year.

      All the best. Aly

  2. Happy Blogiversary! Happy rebasing! I always enjoy your varried posts, even those aspects of our hobby which aren't for me!

    1. Thank you David…
      The rebasing hasn’t been as painful as I expected… so far.

      All the best. Aly

  3. Well done on your Blogging anniversary and 40 years at GW is not to be sniffed at! I thought I'd done well to have reached some 22-23 years at my old company, but it pales in comparison to you;). A fine range of projects on the go there and hopefully your cellar will be finished soon so you can once again have your man cave back:).

    1. Thank you Steve…
      It is weird to think that I have been working at GW longer than some of my colleagues have been alive…😳

      All the best. Aly

  4. A cornucopia of gaming goodness, long may your butterfly continue to flutter and it's fluttering be blogged in such splendid style.

    1. Thank you Phil…
      The fluttering will indeed continue….

      All the best. Aly

  5. I was going to say "something there for everyone" but for most of us there are several "somethings" i.e. lots to like.
    Congratulations on the job, the pending retirement and of course the blog - always a pleasure.
    I'm on the point of retiring after decades in my job and looking forward to the mathmatics of adding and subtracting from the lead hillocks.

    1. Thank you Stephen…
      I am reckoning on another year of full time employment then cutting my hours so I don’t have a sudden change of routine.
      It should also make it easier to create a new kind of ‘working’ routine. 😁

      All the best. Aly

  6. Happy 6th birthday Aly. Your blog is definitely a child prodigy. That's quite a diverse array. A bit here and a bit there keeps the summit of your alp properly balanced.

    1. Thank you Greg…
      I believe it takes a lot of skill to properly balance a lead alp 😁

      All the best. Aly

  7. Nice to see the blog is still progressing and healthy, Aly's Brown Liquid is a revelation thank you so much for this my orcs will be forever in your debt. I love your workspace but as you've alluded it looks more like a proper painting desk now. My daughter has those very same shutters and they are great.

    1. Thank you Phil…
      It’s good to hear that my brown liquid is spreading far and wide 😳😂…
      I think my painting rate has doubled since I started using it.

      All the best. Aly.

  8. A nice photo selection Aly, those War Austrian succession figures was wondering who makes the figures.


    1. Thank you Willz…
      The War of Austrian Succession figures are from Flags of War.
      Really lovely miniatures…

      All the best. Aly

  9. Congratulations Aly and very well done on the anniversary. Six years is a long time to be producing so many fantastic and interesting posts. Forty years is a very decent innings at GW so congratulations on that as well.

    1. Thank you Carlo…
      Like working at GW it feels weirdly like I’ve been doing it forever and for no time at all…

      All the best. Aly

  10. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Aly's Blog. Happy Birthday to you.

    1. Blog says thank you Rob…

      All the best. Aly

  11. Congrats Aly. Awesome figures as always. You are the king of shiny!

    1. Thank you JBM…
      I do like the shiny…

      All the best. Aly

  12. Here's to the next six , you have a lot of projects on the go which makes me feekl better about my own 'butterfly' tendancies.

    1. Thank you Tony…
      I’ve decided to let my butterfly flutter free… it finds so many pretty things to paint.

      All the best. Aly

  13. Three cheers for you and your wonderful blog. Always a source of entertainment and education. Here is to another six years. Thank you.

  14. You just got me checking my own blog, Aly, first post was August 2016, so I must be a year older? A nice reflective post of the year that has been....thinking of lucky bugger....mine is still several years away 😫

    1. Thank you Keith…
      I decided to start the blog when I reached 60… so it’s relatively easy for me to remember how long it’s been going…
      I can work longer if I want to…but there are so many impatient toys waiting to be painted 😁.

      All the best. Aly

  15. Congratulations on your six years before the mast and well done on forty at GW, lots of lovely projects, I am intrigued by 1836, I just bought a book on Garribaldi and have started looking at the mid 19th century but I must exercise iron willed restraint!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain…
      Think … what if the War of 1866 started a bit earlier 😁
      The mid 19th century uniforms are really pretty and the conflicts are all very interesting…

      All the best. Aly

  16. Those British and Austrian STS figures are fabulous! They've definitely caused a few cracks in the old chrysalis.

    1. Thank you Rob.
      The British are 45mm unpainted castings from Replica Metal Soldiers & Models…
      The Austrian is 42mm STS…

      All the best. Aly

  17. I don't know how you find time for it all! Good luck with the cellar - I'm sure if you keep digging you can have that extensive underground war bunker you know you deserve ;)

    1. I wonder how far under the street I could get…

      All the best. Aly

  18. Happy sixth year Aly! It certainly has been a busy time for you...I do like the shutters, we put them in our living areas a few years back now and really like them too.

    1. Thank you Mark…
      The shutters certainly help to keep the heat in in Winter and the heat out in Summer…

      All the best. Aly

  19. Congratulations Aly, it’s a wonderful blog that is very popular and it’s a great number of milestones you have achieved. Love the look of the Austrian test figure and 54mm shiny could they be new upcoming ranges Aly? Best wishes- Quinn

    1. Thank you Quinn…
      See my reply to Rob re the source of the miniatures…
      I have been very very slowly making new toys to add to the STS range…

      All the best. Aly

  20. Happy Birthday Blog! It's always a joy to read your blog Aly and an inspiration too. May your butterfly always flutter.

    1. Thank you Stuart…
      I think the butterfly is strong with me…🦋🦋🦋

      All the best. Aly

  21. Goodness but that is a dizzying array of projects. So much wonderfulness to behold. Keep that butterfly flying!

    1. I can’t imagine how many more there would be if I just did everything the butterfly fluttered past🤣😂🦋🦋🦋

      All the best. Aly

  22. Your flats are really splendid Aly. A very good looking set. I hope to see more.

    1. Thank you …
      They are more like Demi-Ronde…

      All the best. Aly

  23. Congratulations Aly! Your blog is a pleasure to follow and read! I toast to the next year (with a coffee at this hour ;-) ).

    Best wishes,

  24. Very interesting, loving the 1836 and all that teaser. Shutters are superb, on my to do list in the new house.

    1. Thank you Meic…
      Hopefully I will see some movement in the 1836 And All That project before the end of the year.
      I would highly recommend shutters.

      All the best. Aly
