Monday 9 October 2023

The Other Partizan 2023…


This weekend I headed off to the Other Partizan at Newark Showground…

My friend Jervis picked myself,Allessio and Chris who was over from the US…up at an ungodly time of day and we all headed off to assist with the Perry’s Franco-Prussian game…

I say assist… Jervis was running it… Allessio and Chris fought each other… And I avoided lifting things 🤣…

This years show was excellent…

There were loads of lovely games and toys to see… 

It was a lot busier than I expected and unnaturally warm for this time of year…Even when they opened all the doors.

For me this did not diminish any of the fun I had.

I got the chance to meet up with and chat to lots of old and new friends which is one of my favourite things about going to shows like this… Even being there all day I still managed to miss bumping into some people…

The standard of the games were very high… I took lots of pictures…Sadly not all of them came out in focus… Fortunately other people in the blogosphere have covered some of the things I missed…


Some pictures….

The Perry’s Franco-Prussian game… Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture of Allessio’s French Light Cavalry slaughtering Chris’s Prussian Heavies…

I may have been too busy laughing 😁… I wonder if I was sitting too close to the action and confused the Dice Gods…

The Battle of Oltenitza 1853 by the Gothenburg Gamers…

This is a Russo-Turkish action in what would eventually be called the Crimean War… The toys are from the collection of my old friend Dave O’Brien …

I’ve watched Dave put this collection together and it is really refreshing to see a ‘Crimean War’ game without the British or French.

Old Pikey’s Operation Resolute…

A fictitious battle for the West German town of Warendorf set in 1987… Quite tank-tastic.

As to be expected…Beautiful stuff from the Boondock Sayntes…

The Iron Brigade’s Winter is Here game…

This sent a very pleasant chill through a rather warm hall…

The very delightful Siege of Hennebont from The Bodkins…

This won the Best of Show… The fear comes over me imagining painting all that heraldry…

A lovely ‘Set the East Ablaze’ game from the League of Extraordinary Kreigspielers.

A game from the Very British Civil War Forum…Nice Blues and Royals.

The Battle of Hargicourt 1918 from The Grimsby Wargames Society.

English Civil War action from the Shrewsbury Wargames Society…

The Defence of Calais from 1st Corps…

A Never Mind the Boat Hooks participation game…

My buddy Peter Dennis does Paper Tanks… Awesome.

Giant Risk from… Today’s Foxes ?
Yup!…That is exactly what it was 😁… I loved it… Wargamers just having fun.

Daleks and Cybermen from the Chesterfield Open Gaming Society…
Yes yes yes… Terrain made from household bits and bobs… there is a bit of a vacuum/hoover in there.
I loved this…Well thought out and beautifully presented.

Every Partizan I get to judge and present the Adrian Shepherd Award for the Best Tabletop Vignette…

And the winner is……

A knight getting his spurs… By Matt Bickley.

Did I buy anything… 🙄

Books… What a surprise 😂🤣😂…

More wildlife… I have entertaining plans for these…

Fleshing out the paint stocks…

War of Austrian Succession toys from Flags of Wars…
I may start painting some of this soon… I believe I might have said this was a retirement project… But!

Last but by no means least…

I thought this was great…
I was off work today because I had a number of  different builders coming round to hit my house about… So… I sat in the garden and read it from cover to cover…
A fantastic look back to how all of this delightful nonsense started… Thank you Charles.

All the best.  Aly


  1. So many fantastic looking games and a great bag of loot you carried away. Looks like a lot of fun.

    1. It was indeed a very enjoyable day…

      All the best. Aly

  2. What a great selection of games there and both Partizan's are the pinnacle of our hobby IMHO. A nice haul of goodies too.

    1. This was a cracking show Steve.
      I thought I was fairly restrained with my haul… There was a lot of temptation around.

      All the best. Aly

  3. Splendid photos there Aly. Great to meet up and chat as usual. Your choice of vignette winner shows your impeccable taste! That final book looks a really interesting read, for my generation at least...

    1. Thank you David…
      It was good to see you old chap…
      I don’t think my pictures really show how nice the vignette was…
      A well deserved win…
      As I said I really enjoyed it… No scandals,no shocks just one man’s tail of his journey through wargaming.

      All the best. Aly

    2. As I said I really enjoyed ‘the book’ 🙄😁

  4. Aly, looking at your photos makes me realise how much I missed; must have walked pass the Perry game (I saw one of the twins when passing but didn't realise it was their game - absence of a floorplan) nor did I see Peter Dennis and those paper tanks!

    1. I still managed to miss some games and…I was there all day.
      Peter’s paper panzers were lovely…He has done some very clever things with his Paper Boys range.

      All the best. Aly

  5. Rats! Looks like a good one, I was going to come but when my travelling buddy dropped out I decided to give it a miss. Silver lining: I needed Sunday to get the brand new cabin in fit state to be christened by a friend who hopefully is en-route as I type.
    Fascinated to know how you intend to amuse yourself with all that wildlife, are they Foundry animals?

    1. It was indeed a good one Rob…
      I do hope there will be pictures of the christening.

      Yes the wildlife is from Foundry…I thought that they would make entertaining and surprising encounters during skirmish games 😁

      All the best. Aly

  6. What a wonderful set of photos Aly. So many tremendous looking games and your choice of vignette was an inspired one. You’ve also reminded me to order Charles book. Many thanks and best wishes.

    1. Thank you Carlo…
      One thing I haven’t mentioned was the upbeat jolly atmosphere around the show… There were a lot of happy people.
      I think it’s fairly obvious how much I enjoyed Charles’s book.

      All the best. Aly

  7. Some fine photos there Aly. Sorry to have missed you.

    1. Thank you Phil…
      You looked like you were on a mission when I saw you across the hall 😁

      All the best. Aly

  8. Stunning stuff Aly thanks for sharing I hope I can make the next one 👍

    1. Thank you Matt…
      If you still have the chest infection by the next Partizan you will really need to give up the forty Woodbine a day habit 😳😁.
      If the next show beats this one it will be a cracker…

      All the best. Aly

  9. Excellent looking show, great looking books and toys, you definitely seemed to have been restrained in your purchases, surrounded as you were by temptation!
    Best Iain

    1. It was splendid…
      I don’t know what came over me… I even had a list 😱

      All the best. Aly

  10. Didn't get to this Partizan - wife Sandra's birthday on the 8th so off doing other things - but looks like a good. With my current projects that Dalek game looked interesting - sorry I missed it.

    1. When I saw the Dalek game I definitely thought of you…

      All the best. Aly

  11. Ooooh there is a lot of eye candy there Aly! I agree that the 'Crimean War' in the Danubian makes for some interesting play...I wish Great War Miniatures would make some Turks...😀

    1. Dave’s game looked great and I know he wants to explore more of these early campaigns….
      I want to get back to making Great War Miniatures stuff Mark…
      Unfortunately doing CAD work all day has done for my physical sculpting mojo…
      I have however been slowly repairing some masters … I am hoping this will lead to other things.

    2. Some of the later campaigns in the Caucasus are interesting too.

    3. You also get Grenadier divisions fighting in the Caucuses…
      They have very pretty flags 😁

  12. Sorry we couldn't serve you with more WFR figures this time (I think Donna said you popped by), it was only on a wing and a prayer we were there at all as I got called away suddenly before the event.

    1. No worries….
      Next time 😁

      All the best. Aly

  13. Splendid report and vicarious indulgence: thanks for bringing us along. Hard to pick a stand out among so many stand outs. Always nice to see a smattering of post-Nappy "big wars" represented (FPW and Russo Turkish).

    1. Thank you Ed…
      Yes it is always good to see some mid to late 19th century games…

      All the best. Aly

  14. Some great pics Aly, fab chatting to you, once again face to face. Love that watch!

    1. It was good to catch up with you Ray…
      It was a rather nice gift…

      All the best. Aly

  15. As always Aly, looks like a great show but for once, I am not too jealous, thanks to my own location at the time this event was occurring!
    I saw a pic of you looking very piratical (earring and all) with Ray and the Rejects!

    1. Having seen your holiday snaps I can understand you being content to miss out on Partizan… Although it didn’t rain here 😂

      Me… Piratical… Yarp! 🏴‍☠️

      All the best. Aly
