Tuesday 21 May 2024

Partizan 2024…


So it was a bit of a wild dash round Partizan this year… 

I was originally going to be there for the whole day but sadly the world and real life intervened…

In the end I was there for about two hours… but what an enjoyable two hours it was.

Apparently they had a record number of people through the door this time…

We got there mid to late morning and there was still a bit of a queue 😱.

My first thought… Apart from wow! It’s busy!… Was to dash round the games and see if a vignette jumped out at me… When I say ‘Dash’ think ‘Determined Waddle’ 🤣.

I didn’t get a chance to take as many pictures as I would have liked… but here is what I took.

A lovely game from First Corps….

I have to confess to an ‘ Interest ‘ in this one, as a number of years ago I painted some of these toys…

It’s nice to see they are still seeing good service…

Phil’s small but perfectly formed Eastern European Renaissance game…

As a demo game this was faultless… Well painted… Well presented… well supported and a well deserved winner of the Best Demo Game Trophy.

The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers Fiume 1920…
This was another stunning game… 
Adrian Shepherd was a member of this group and inspired and contributed to many of their vignette heavy displays… It’s seems only fitting that the Best Tabletop Vignette came from this game…

Mark Hargreaves delightful command group is exactly the kind of thing I can imagine Adrian loving…
It is of course worth noting that the map on the table is the map of the table the game was being played on… The devil is indeed in the details… well done.

The North Riding Wargames Club… “ It’s Hot Here Sir”
Loved that camel filled square…

Really good to see a game like this at the show… It certainly seemed to have picked up a lot of interest.

Well bless me… It’s the Boondock Sayntes…
As always a gorgeous looking table… When I got to it it was actually bathed in sunlight, which really added to the impression of India…

The Bodkins … David Andrews and David Imrie… 3rd Century Rome V’s Sassanids… What’s not to love…
A big thank you to David Andrews for jumping in to present the Best Tabletop Vignette trophy after I had to head off early…

Last but by no means least… A bit of madness from “The Bunker”…

And that’s as many pictures as I took…

Personally I think.. Even with my short time there… This was the best Partizan yet … The atmosphere there was amazing… It was sunny and everyone seemed happy and smiley…
I saw a lot of jolly good friends and I sadly missed seeing many more… here’s to the next one and hopefully I will have more time on my hands…

Did I buy anything…
Not as much as I had planned…
A couple of traders weren’t there and some who were had actually sold out of what I was after…
But of course I did pick up one or two ‘ birthday presents’

One always needs books…

And a pretty picture that I bought from my chum Peter…

But I didn’t buy any Battleships or anymore books on battleships…

Nope …..

Nothing to do with me…

Not at all…

Honest…. 🤣😂🤣

All the best.   Aly

Here are some links to others who were there….


  1. Lovely photo stroll around the show, Aly. Thank you for being a first rate correspondent.

    1. Thank you Jonathan…
      It’s a pleasure…

      All the best. Aly

  2. Some top notch games on show, very impressive, plenty too pore over. Very restrained purchasing, kudos sir! wonder who bought the ships though??

    1. It’s a great show Donnie…
      The ships are indeed a mystery… But as they are there I may as well paint them 🤣

      All the best. Aly

  3. So many wonderful photos Aly so thanks for posting such a brilliant series of images on the blog. Of all the shows id love to get to Partizan in the coming year or so. The games look brilliant.

    1. Thank you Carlo…
      Definitely one of the best shows around….

      All the best. Aly.

  4. Spiffing pics there Aly, I certainly missed a good 'un.

    1. Thank you Phil…
      There are no ships 😁

      All the best. Aly

  5. A pleasure to see you and have a natter, especially on your birthday! No battleships purchased you say? Not sure that's entirely true you know...

    1. It was indeed good to catch up David….
      Technically they are not battleships… 😈
      But you never know where things will lead to…

      All the best. Aly

  6. 'Twas a great show and certainly very busy, but with a great atmosphere and many of us have noted. So many great games on show and loved the vignette, a well deserved winner for sure:).

    1. Yes it was a very happy show indeed…
      And the vignette was a well deserved winner… Everything Adrian would have loved…

      All the best. Aly

  7. Thanks for sharing your day trip Aly.


    1. It was a pleasure Willz…
      All the best. Aly

  8. I'd love to come over to that show one day. Splendid looking tables and I must say the vignettes on the Fiume 1920 table look exceptionally nice!

    Best wishes,

    1. You would love it Jan…
      There are so many nice things to see….

      All the best. Aly

  9. It was a good show - I always prefer it to Salute. My son Steven was there playing the Omaha game when they were presented with their prize. My own camera came up with 'card full' - everything beng in folders I couldn't delete anything so only got a few photos.

    1. A cracking show indeed Rob…
      Made all the better for being relatively local…

      The Omaha game was very impressive.

      All the best. Aly

  10. It was a good show , thanks for the appreciation of the camels !

    1. One should always appreciate camels 😁

      All the best. Aly

  11. Shame I missed you Aly! It certainly was a great show.

    1. Unfortunately it was a bit of a flying visit this time…
      But what a excellent show….

      All the best. Aly

  12. It was a superb show, and I agree there was a huge number of people there. It's good in that it shows how healthy the hobby is, but my goodness I needed a coffee after one 'waddle' around the perimeter of the show. I too came away with books mostly (I find it easier to browse figure codes etc online as I plan my units!). I'll definitely be back again next year.
    Best wishes,

    1. Definitely one of the best Jason…
      A record turn out…
      Yes a mid waddle refreshment makes all the difference 😁.

      All the best. Aly

  13. Great photos - some very impressive games, thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you Warburton…
      It was a pleasure…
      All the best. Aly

  14. Many superb looking games there Aly...shame you only had a couple of hours to look around.

    1. A top show Keith…
      Hopefully I will have more time at the ‘ Other Partizan’ later in the year…
      All the best. Aly

  15. Thanks so much for posting Aly, what a great show and superb displays. Those warships you didn’t buy look great 😇 best wishes - Quinn 🙏

    1. It is a pleasure Quinn…
      Yes the warships were certainly a very attractive none purchase 😁

      All the best. Aly

  16. Great report Aly, and thanks so much for the mention of my game. High praise indeed from yourself who has put on a few cracking games in the past!!! See you at the next one. Phil

    1. It was a cracking game Phil…
      Here’s to the next one…

      All the best. Aly
